messages to voodoo4ducks:
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from twof :
I don't know if you're still checking your messages after all this time, but I read your entry "Kink & Dynamic Trio" and the same thing happened to me, except I am male, had a crush on Robin and was 11 years old! I'd love to hear from you.
from romanholiday :
Thank you.
from jenne1017 :
yes, I did. Thanks for the compliment on it!
from backagain :
But you aren't on your own. I'm here. I don't know anything... but I'm still here.
from backagain :
wow. the pictures are very wow. how are you feeling?
from pleasehearme :
I sent you an email awhile back. You must not have gotten it. :( Sad. I was thanking you, because you really encouraged me. :) My room is almost Maroon. I like it a lot.
from backagain :
Just peeking my head under the blanket to give you the brightest smile I can muster today. Someone just told me that the people who love me will hang on and I should be selfish for a while and not worry how anyone else is feeling about my ickniness. Just thought I'd pass it on. ~ Shan
from backagain :
Well, that's disturbing. Yes, torturing someone who is already disturbed will be very helpful. (um, sarcasm) I do a fine job hurting myself, thanks. That's why I need help. Geez... There are some major problems in the mental health world. ~ Shan
from backagain :
Thank you so much for your note. It's always nice to hear from someone who understands without needing a long explanation. ~ Shan
from pencilthief :
thanks for reading my diary. now i'll read yours and tell you my opinion. perhaps i don't know about depression because, well, i am not depressed. ever. again, thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts, however, they are just that. my thoughts. my diary. no apology.

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