messages to voodoochick:
(click here to add new message):

from journalmine :
Just browsing diaries. . . . First time reading you, but you sound interesting to me. Diaryland seems to have never really bothered keeping up with the times when it comes to blogging. But what's good about it is that you can do things with your layout that other sites don't allow. That's why I stay. There is the freedom in the simplicity. Plus, it was where I first started writing 10 years ago, so I guess I'm used to it. :) Hi.
from sundaygirl :
i'm not sure if it's legal, per se, but the illegals don't complain so...
from sundaygirl :
no, it's $2.55 LESS than minimum wage. Unbelievable. POVERTY, basically.
from sundaygirl :
I have no idea! I'd have to watch the movie again. Please don't make me.
from silverbiker :
i dont know when you sent me that note ..but its totally ok i forgive u! today is january 11th well i hope you are having a good year so far! i dont remember what i said on your guestbook?!
from sundaygirl :
totally! the song is so beautiful and the video is just haunting.
from sundaygirl :
i thought it was funny that the french team trash talked and then got their just desserts.
from serena :
just wanted to let you know my site is unlocked now, it should remain that way, unless i decide to make a /private entry once in awhile
from serena :
i swear sometimes i'm weirdly psychic, the misunderstanding wasn't one after all, he just didn't want to be with me. i'm as good as i can be expected to be, i don't know when i'll feel like unlocking my site though.
from serena :
apparently so!
from serena :
my boyfriend and i had a misunderstanding, it's all cleared up now though. until the next misunderstanding, anyway.
from serena :
yeah sorry about that, i do that on purpose sortof though. to answer your question, i had a horrible day, but i'll get over it in time. how are you?
from wifemotherme :
Thank you so much for the recent add. I look forward to reading you
from marinka-mp :
Uhhhhhso you are a Scorpio too? When is your birthday?
from marinka-mp :
Im sorry...The Bitch deserves to die
from moonbaby8u :
oh...well for me,its small which is why I am so excitied!!Not to shall pass and then back to normal!
from moonbaby8u :
is that bad...or a good...size 7?!
from marinka-mp :
Thanks for adding me. I have read few things about you. But i need to go back and read more. Ask anything...snoop through everything. Take care
from nakedbarista :
Aye Aye, Captain! *salutes*
from im2evil4u :
It is against the law to bury a pet in your backyard in most major cities - of course, enforcement of this law is not easy, so I've rarely heard of anyone being fined for it... but nontheless it is illegal. BTW, in attempting to respond to your comment I realized that I accidentally deleted you from my buddy list.... sorry about that I really didn't mean to.
from nakedbarista :
Hahaha, Yeah, mentally they are. I feel stupider just for living here. Is it any wonder I'm so homesick?
from nakedbarista :
I don't have one either, LOL. I couldn't see a use for it. All you have to do to delete notes is go into the "edit your notes settings" and the second option down is delete individual notes. : )
from girliepunk92 :
Yes well i don't know you but you should talk to me and Glamxtrash...(He's a fag lol jk but i love him.......
from im2evil4u :
The winner is posted in the entry of 2/22 -- the title is "And the Winner is..."
from paradisiacal :
Happy New Year! Hope you had a fab New Years Eve... (Oh by the way... don't think it went unnoticed a certain book was in your wishlist... I've finished it now, very good read, hope you get it!)
from paradisiacal :
I'm nosey - whats your wishlist??
from im2evil4u :
You know, I've been wondering that very same thing.
from paradisiacal :
Sorry my mind is in another place at the moment... in my defense I only just got online to wish you it, in any case - Happy Birthday...
from im2evil4u :
Nope, nope, nope! Happy Birthday Dearest.
from im2evil4u :
When you sent me that card to my hotmail account when I got the promotion. It was the only card I received mind you and it was really funny. I wish I still had it.
from paradisiacal :
Was starting to think you'd never return, welcome back - albeit a short entry - hope alls well with you...
from im2evil4u :
That's my kitties name!
from paradisiacal :
To Keep! (but then i think you seem to be leaning towards not to keep... )
from daizylee :
It's called "Sentimental Guy."
from namastesakhi :
because sometimes the most perfect man is not. because sometimes the most unperfect man is.
from ocd-and-me :
TADA!! As you requested.
from paradisiacal :
Just a quick note, because there's very little I can say, and even less that will help you - I'm so sorry, it must have been so difficult for you. Wherever they are, they are most definitely together.
from im2evil4u :
Aww, Voodoo I'm so sorry. They are definately togther and they are with my boys Harley & Ashes eating cans of tuna and rolling around in cat nip. Hugs
from paradisiacal :
Sorry about your cats, it must be really hard for you... I'll keep my fingers crossed, maybe it won't be as bad as you anticipate. All the best.
from im2evil4u :
So sad about the kitties. Give them hugs from Auntie Evil
from daizylee :
Hey, noticed your note. Actually, my clients are in the U.S. They're all in prison. That's what I meant by "not in the world." I am in no way one of those Americans who thinks we're the best thing ever. Often over-patriotic Americans make me want to puke. Sorry for the confusion. ;)
from paradisiacal :
Good luck at the hairdressers :)
from paradisiacal :
As far as I'm aware, you'll keep the colours - but lose any pictures you uploaded onto here... least that's what I think happens...
from im2evil4u :
Voodoo dear, I want to create your South park character but I have NO clue what you look like. Should I wing it and see how close I come to the actual 'you" or would you like to send me a pic?
from paradisiacal :
I hope things pick up for you.
from paradisiacal :
Think the problem is working out what "normal" is... and hey course I don't mind you using my little phrase ... nice to know i'm not the only one with such an annoying family!
from paradisiacal :
Now I'm curious about what the comment was, in regards to your stripy socks! As for your exes, I'm really not in the right place to comment - Incase you couldnt tell... exes aren't in my good books at the moment!!
from paradisiacal :
Now I'm craving red rope liquorice [ wow can't say that outloud, it's not even much of a tongue twister ]. Wonder where I can get some...
from outlawrose :
lol. thanks. check out my website.
from im2evil4u :
Sheesh, I don't even get apologies like that from my own husband.
from outlawrose :
hey. like ur diary. check out mine. =D
from paradisiacal :
Surely you don't like hippies?!
from im2evil4u :
That version of the Twelve Days of Christmas is fantasic! Thanks for sharing it
from leonmcphelps :
It is high praise. You should be glad, I am usually only willing to drop high amounts of lavish praise on myself, but with you I am willing to say "Good Jorb". You are blessed.
from leonmcphelps :
Well I am sure you could compete with old Leon. I am very sure of it. Good Jorb, you have amused me and it usually takes homoerotic stabs at myself to amuse me.
from leonmcphelps :
I believe the question is who could compete with Leon?
from leonmcphelps :
You are the one that brought it up. Don't deny it honey, you know you want "The Leon". I don't blame you, I am pretty awesome you know?
from leonmcphelps :
Well I didn't know it was Dave, but I had an idea. You just can't be that attractive to both men and women, and have that much chest hair without some sort of divine intervention. Of course he isn't looking at my face, if you were him you would be staring a bit lower too now wouldn't you? Yes you would.
from im2evil4u :
Unless you sent me an email for penis enlargement under the name Big Joe, I haven't received anything. When did you write? To the Hotmail or Diaryland email?
from im2evil4u :
WOW! That is so incredibly correct. Thanks for sharing it. I plan to end all my work emails with that quote, I'm sure my bosses will love it. LOL. How are you? I'm glad to hear from you and hope all is well. How is the cat? Email me
from leonmcphelps :
Hey, I didn't diss. Just poked a little fun at European ladies. I love European ladies, they are lovely, but you know I diss everyone so it was bound to happen sooner or later. I even diss myself. Nobody is immune.
from im2evil4u :
What the hell is a flywheel?
from im2evil4u :
I thought that sounded familiar. I love Henry Rollins
from leonmcphelps :
I am actually working on a movie screenplay right now.
from leonmcphelps :
Well I am glad I can help.
from im2evil4u :
Check! Got those, that is strange.
from im2evil4u :
No I didn't get anything. When did you send it?
from im2evil4u :
You mentioned a stressful week. Whats up? Anything you would like to share? Email me.
from leonmcphelps :
I don't know how anyone could resist, but that's just me.
from leonmcphelps :
Thanks for adding me as a favorite. I appreciate it.
from im2evil4u :
Your diary was locked when I knocked. I wondered what was going on, that's all.
from librarychick :
there was a shooting at the local high school...a teacher was shot. but not critical, he's already been released from the hospital. still scary. the thought of my teens being in danger...i just can't even think about it.
from im2evil4u :
Knock, Knock?
from dani-lou :
Thanks for the comment about begin a vegan. It's quite interesting, but I've seem to annoyed a few folks in the process. Oh well. Best wishes, Dani.
from squirrelx :
I'm glad you enjoyed the quotes. Thanks for leavin' me a note to say so! Best, Xtine

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