messages to wilberteets:
(click here to add new message):
from cocoabean : |
Started a diet similar to yours, called The Belly Fat Diet.. in 14 weeks I've lost 30 pounds and only miss sugar now and then. And then I have Skinny Cow candies and they are yummy! I've also lost 3" from my waist... but the one thing I did that really helped was getting all the sugary and carb stuff out of the kitchen like you did... there are days I'm just not hungry.. and my A1C went back down to its normal 57... it was up to 61 and my doc had a fit. I totally can see eating like this forever! |
from dangerspouse : |
I'd go with ZeFrank. He's got a cooler name. It's all about the gloss. |
from cocoabean : |
Maybe he needs to hear some of the messages he leaves you, especially the scary one. |
from cocoabean : |
Who will do your work when you're on vacation? I guess staying at home wouldn't be much of a vacation, but you could always get a hotel room and pretend to be a tourist... |
from cocoabean : |
I miss all the old bloggers and Dland, when there was a huge group of us who all read each other. It was a fun couple of years! |
from cocoabean : |
Oooo not one word~! |
from cocoabean : |
Some of us are waiting for you to pick it back up! |
from princesscee : |
Great idea! I just survived the flu... I'm totally getting a flu shot next year, because this sucked! :) |
from cocoabean : |
That's what happened with me and my ex; he complained that I had changed, but what it really was that I had grown, and he had not. I had the same dream you did, but now I am figuring out what my new dream is! |
from artgnome : |
I so wish I could be there to help you decorate. it's the most fun part! :) |
from thedailywtf : |
as a matter of fact I did kill off my avi and start over...because married college professors can get you in a lot of trouble with their masturbation videos. and they become crazy stalkers after you discover them pixel pumping a hooker and dump their digital ass. and even after you kill your avi to escape they continue IMing and e-mailing you for 6 months. then they get divorced because their wife finds out about you and the 10 other internet fuck buddies they have. then they live a sad existence in a loft apartment and make 3 times as many jerkoff videos because they are emo artist jesus-complex-ridden fucktards who cry about how the world doesn't understand them. the end. |
from im2evil4u : |
Teets!!! Email me at [email protected] |
from cocoabean : |
Take your time with the house decisions... it doesn't pay to rush things. |
from cocoabean : |
my flickr is under nkarrels |
from cocoabean : |
Cute house! |
from cocoabean : |
How exciting! It does seem like a gift from the gods. I couldn't see your pictures, but I do have a flickr account, if you can add me that might help.. |
from artgnome : |
I also have affection for the weird, which is why such men are now in the friend zone for good. :) move up north near me!!!! |
from artgnome : |
oh, I wish I had a house with a fireplace! Instead I have a tiny loft half house with no fireplace or laundry. boo. kisses for Dexter! |
from artgnome : |
I get those dropping off tremors all the time, due to my fibromyalgia. As for the guy in SL, ask him if he knows J-E-S-U-S as his personal Lord and Savior. He will disappear, I promise! :) |
from cocoabean : |
How scary! As for 'falling off the world', I experience that almost every night. I can feel it coming on and if I move, it will stop, but then I am restless and can't sleep, so I can do nothing but let it happen if I want to sleep well. Weird. I read somewhere that it's caused by a several groups of muscles that loosen at the same time and that seems to fit. It sure does feel like falling off the world! |
from artgnome : |
I have finally unlocked my diary. If my ex wants to read my business, let him. |
from artgnome : |
Working from home is great for those who can discipline themselves, and you are great at that! I'm glad for Dexter too, little guys like him need lots of contact time. :) |
from cocoabean : |
Woot!! Congrats! It's about time... that's awesome. Sure wish I could work from home, but I don't think the Depot would approve... |
from artgnome : |
I am also a non-relationship person. you described me to a T. I don't think most men can handle a woman who refuses to nag and give them drama, at least from what I have seen. I've never been good at being in a couple, and since I gave up the notion years ago, I've never been happier. |
from artgnome : |
Man, that sucks! I also love fried bologna and consider myself forewarned. Thanks for the head's up! Now guess who is picking up some bologna today? |
from artgnome : |
ah, the grass is always greener. I am where I am out of NO options. Though I know I would have a tough time deciding if I did have them too. |
from artgnome : |
I stay away from any shopping on Friday of the Black and tread carefully in corporate establishments throughout the Christmas season. I'm guessing it was more about the getting to fight than the waffle iron. Having that special story around the Holiday Bucket of chicken, I suppose. hah. |
from cocoabean : |
I know how that is... I love living in San Diego, but all my family is in Wisconsin. |
from nepenthean : |
Avalon, PA, oddly enough, is a suburb of Pittsburgh, and is where the jackass is from. Gosh. I must've seen it and immediately buried it. Jolly good work there, Google. Jolly good work. |
from ohell : |
you're very kind, thank you so much...I've been reading you also! |
from invisibledon : |
Thanks for adding me |
from cocoabean : |
Yay! Glad to see you update. And I miss reading your sister, too! |
from cocoabean : |
Glad you enjoy the new job. Your entry from 5-9 is there... you sometimes need to reload the page to get your latest entry. Just one of those Dland glitches... |
from artgnome : |
I will do what I can to see that you get your copy autographed, dear teets! :) |
from modin : |
Sounds like you are having a blast... hmmm I wonder if I can blog through my phone... that would be totally awesomeness... I have a iPhone :D Anyways... thank you for giving me something intresting to read... I have been going insane with ad's on this thing :( Have a good day trying to work at your (tehe) station :D <BR> Missy |
from wifemotherme : |
I loved the "my banner sucks" banner. I will have to start reading you now. |
from jimbostaxi : |
Just started reading your blog and saw that evil bitch fired you. Hope you find some legal reason to sue the pants off them. Good luck on the job hunt. ;>) |
from artgnome : |
so sorry you are ill. I'm not surprised though because your job change caused so much stress, which for me always triggers hitting the wall like that. I hope you feel better soon! xo |
from stepfordtart : |
Oh, and I meant to say, try Haloscan for (free!) comments. s x |
from stepfordtart : |
Hi! I was just reading some old entries and came across the 'grown up posting as a child' one. That actually IS a real little boy - honest! I 'know' him and his family quite well and they ARE the most astonishing people. The only thing I would say about the entries is that he has some help with the typing as his keyboard skills arent too fast - he dictates to his mum and she types for him but the words are his own. I dont always agree with their views but i dont doubt their integrity. Correspondence that I have had with him and his family away from D'land includes handwritten notes and handmade cards and you can check out the whole family on their website (the link is on his diary page). He's a nice little boy - a precocious one (in the good sense of the word!), yes - but a real boy nonetheless. Hope I havent offended - just setting the record straight. I love your writing BTW and have laughed plenty whilst trawling your archives. best regards. s x |
from toastcrumbs : |
Here you go - username: toast password: crumbs - very original, isn't it? Enjoy. |
from artgnome : |
Thanks to my ex-husband from hell stalking me online, I have to go private with my journal. Please let me know if you want the password or if you would like to be put on a private email mailing list. |
from dudemanflab : |
I bet you can't wait for the Series 4 premiere of LOST this Thursday! If you lived closer to New Mexico, I'd invite you to my party. |
from ricklets : |
Yeah, the guys in Tool are great, they went to a local hockey game the other night! Only....about 6 hours till the concert!! Haha, Thanks Teets, things don't sound too bad in your parts either, ah, the Christmas season is here, so I'll be pretty cheery. =) |
from smedindy : |
Hey, I think in your comment today you meant "Scientologist" instead of "Christian Scientist". They're different! |
from ricklets : |
TEETS! Oh my goodness. I feel like such an idiot. My last entry, I was so preoccupied about the silly boys, that I forgot to mention the fact that I HAVE ROW 14 TICKETS TO SEE TOOL!!! |
from his-holiness : |
Haaaaaaaaaaaaaapy Biirrrthday!!!!!!!!! |
from dinahsoar : |
Found you this morning (didn't know you were lost, didja?) through my old bud Toastcrumbs. You are VERY funny (so's your sister)! I love it that you're not a gold digger (gold, after all, is just gold)! Enjoy your concert! |
from kanyooceemee : |
I was just browsing around the members area and stumbled on your profile. My grandpa used to sing the 'mairzy doats' song all the time,it made me laugh, thanks. |
from emperorincxt : |
youre welcome, thanks for making me laugh when i sorely needed it :) keep on! |
from prolifique : |
Thanks for the laughs. :) |
from janedoe0 : |
Hi there! I have the first cd that is still under the Saron Gas name(Fragile), and the cd that features the song 'remedy'. But to be honest I don't realy listen to it all that much. I don't know why because I realy love them. :) I still love your layout. |
from tablemember1 : |
Wow, I love your last entry "Stuff I've noticed". You've read my mind. Just know it is greatly appreciated. |
from janedoe0 : |
Okay, I've established you don't live in SA. But still, it's nice to see my language on a layout! |
from janedoe0 : |
There's afrikaans in your layout! YAY! I just saw it and decided to leave a note! Now, I better go read more... |
from soapboxdiner : |
No, thank You for giving me something funny and fun to read again. So many of my buddies have gone away. I'm glad I clicked on your banner to find you. |
from diary-user : |
I just read your recent bathroom-truama entry, and I have to say I really feel bad for you that you had to witness that, but think about the person that had to CLEAN that. Guys, seriously, do that in your own home. That's gross. I would have added this onto your comments page, but diaryland flagged me as a spammer! I am not trying to spam you or anything, just to share my thoughts. |
from artgnome : |
actually, the body produces protein through amino acids, found in the fruits and veggies. also, americans are way overloaded with protein, 4x more than what they need, to satisfy the advertising greed of meat sellers. I still eat meat and eggs too, but more sparingly and after the noon hour, of course. |
from artgnome : |
I had also left a comment but did not realize that it did not go through. I'm excited about all that's going on in your "real" life, girl! I'm expecting to hear great adventures! xo |
from smedindy : |
Woot! Is he going to rewire your network. Heh, heh, heh. I slay myself! |
from his-holiness : |
OK, I tried to leave this comment on your first entry today, but your comments are closed, because your uperGold lapsed. What I had said was "A new couch and a guy to shag on it. Not such a bad deal." I stand by my attempted earlier statement. |
from ricklets : |
Teets!! I had been on d-land hiatus myself, and was jonesing for it just now. Best of luck with the move, you're going to be fine, you got yourself in a good state of mind, so you'll be well on your way =) |
from smedindy : |
Hugs to ya, Teets! |
from mistresslink : |
i know! wasn't the buildup just massive? wheee |
from incredipete : |
thanks, teets! I hope my decision to turn off comments for today was not too annoying. ;) |
from johnguinness : |
Thanks. I feel like that dark cloud has finally moved off after two solid months. I think I can work with the resources that I've got right now and put together a decent few months of life. Have a great weekend. John |
from ricklets : |
OH I DID I DID! I did see Teets brush with greatness!!! I was going to leave an excited squealy girly teenagery comment, but I must have gotten distracted by something, most likely something shiny, like a quater. AHAHA. So here is what you deserve, the squealy girly teenagery oh my goodness, in all its greatness. *OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!! YOU MET THE LEAD SINGER FROM STAIND!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!! SQUEEEEEE!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! YOU'RE SO LUCKY!!!!! OH OH I HOPE YOUR DAUGHTER GETS TO MASSAGE ROCKSTARS CAUSE THEN LIKE YOU MIGHT GET TO MEET THEM!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOOOOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE THEY'LL TALK ABOUT YOU AND HER AND LIKE THEY'LL TELL THEIR OTHER FAMOUS FRIENDS THEN YOU'LL MEET THEM...WHO KNOWS!? MAYBE YOU COULD END UP DATING A ROCKSTAR!!!!!!!??* *phew* wow Im glad I didn't have to actually say that, but believe me, I'd be jumping up and down while saying this, then maybe I'd fall on the floor, but it'd be ALL worth it. |
from camera-girl : |
Thx for your kind note. :-) It makes me happy. |
from memmunch : |
You and Rachelle (Daily WTF) are my favorites! |
from camera-girl : |
Aha, now I remember. Yeah, too bad you didn't move to Oslo. I bet Lousianna is a great place too, even if it's hot and humid. :-) |
from camera-girl : |
Yeah, you should visit Norway. It's beautiful, esp. that park in Oslo :-) I've been living in Oslo for 4 years and I haven't been to that park before now. Shame on me :-p Where do you live, again? |
from haloaskew : |
Thanks! You know, when I was driving to work this morning, I suddenly thought "Did I write 'prosperity' in that note to Teets instead of 'posterity'?" And yup, I did. Heeee! |
from haloaskew : |
I deleted my post (um, "accidentally") but re-instated it once I got your comment (Gawd, someone understands!) You rock! Could you resend your thoughts for prosperity? Here they are: 1) Bette Midler has long been my #1 celebrity to list when I am asked what celebrity would I most like to have dinner with. She's so approachable and funny. I think we'd get along. 2) Ellen Degeneres also seems approachable, plus she is from Louisiana. 3) Shaun Morgan, singer from Seether... just because I want to have dirty, dirty sex with him. 4)Oprah Winfrey, my sister from another mother. 5)Dr. Phil (& his wife Robin), because I admire them very much. --- |
from haloaskew : |
Ohhhh! You know me so well. *WOW* Damn, you're good, girl! Thank you. :) |
from haloaskew : |
Yep, two incomes equals three or four times the money being spent. Glad you ejected Mr. Wrong! |
from haloaskew : |
Thanks for the note! Yep, I'm going to talk to my doctor about getting my meds upped next time I go in for a check-up. But get this: I haven't had a headache since I requested the distribution. WHOO! |
from artgnome : |'s about him trying to make me feel that anything felt between us is a figment of my imagination. and that I cannot be trusted to behave myself if he comes to my home, as I am a psycho student after all. he's an arrogant, vain asshole. |
from artgnome : |
thank you so much. your comments are always uplifting and encouraging when my hormones and brain chemicals and circumstances are threatening to implode me. |
from artgnome : |
no sweat, teets. I got your back in prayer. you are both going to be fine. Just think of God holding you up in His hand. :) |
from artgnome : |
hello, friend. I answered your comment in my comments section. bless you! |
from artgnome : |
thank you so much for all your support and encouragement. It helps so much to hear from people that do understand what is going on. I'm going to get through this, and come out better for it as well. I always do. blessings on you! - juni |
from camera-girl : |
Thanks for your comment. Comments like this warms. Cats are great, ay? :-D Sounds like you had a really great dinner with the crawfish and everything. Crawfish is yummy!! |
from his-holiness : |
Thank you for your words of.... umm... support... I think. Things have not, as it stands, turned worse just yet. Feeling much better myself, though I did have to learn (for the zillionth time in this life) the ugly lesson that feeling much-improved does not at all equate to Healed. ugggghhhh... |
from mistresslink : |
i know, i've found out it's not as clear-cut when you're in the midst of things. but if it doesn't work out with this one, oh well...that's life...i'll raise my standards again for the next one. thanks :) |
from haloaskew : |
I can't just spill it! The perils are many. Promise me some squooshy back-up! |
from haloaskew : |
Thanks for the note! Actually, I think when the farm owner's asst. saw that the farm mgr had propped open the doors and windows in the morning, she decided to switch off the A/C before Lumberg got in. Since I was the only one who dressed too warm, no one else seemed very bothered by temp. After lunch, though, I was feeling too yucky to go with that flow anymore! |
from smedindy : |
Did ya get a package today? Well, did ya? Did ya? Did ya??? |
from dalyrical1 : |
ah teets darlin!! how i have missed you!! |
from ricklets : |
Teets dearest, I found a sort of a mind/word problem that I know you will like and perhaps you can post it for all my fellow gentle readers to try as well? Lousisianna is 1 of 6 American states in which the name contains the consecutive letters IS. What are the other 5 states? And for the ultimate challenge, which 2 Canadian provinces also contain letters IS? I don't have the answers though, I'll try to figure it out myself as well. |
from im2evil4u : |
Hey Teets - Ghost Hunters is on tonight 5/10/07 on the Sci-Fi channel. In NYC last weeks episode is on at 8:00 and the newest one is on at 9:00 - I don't know if that applies in your neck of the woods. |
from im2evil4u : |
Well, as as test, I just tried logging on to the D-Land chat and I got that 7777 error message, so perhaps we should stick with the old reliable "Islam" chat room. |
from im2evil4u : |
LOL, took you long enough to repond, thanks though. HEY Are we chatting tomorrow night? I'm available |
from im2evil4u : |
After all we have been through together, you cannot hide the meaning of "hits in the pocket" |
from im2evil4u : |
Hey Teets, I'm having trouble getting in the chat area. Are you able to get in or is something amiss on my new computer? |
from so-charming : |
Thanks for the nice welcome back message. It's nice to know I was missed. :) |
from haloaskew : |
I posted mine a few days ago! Check it out: |
from banefulvenus : |
loved the sponge bob banner! |
from haloaskew : |
Yep, increasing my deductibles is another idea I thought about. I can also probably knock down some coverage on my car (depending on its resale value). I went onto per Smed's suggestion and although they don't pay a lot for DVDs, they pay LOTS more than you'd expect for CDs! Which is totally the opposite of what I expectecd! I pulled out a big stack that I wouldn't mind parting with, started looking up the prices they'd buy them for and have come up with a total of $175 so far! (That does include a few first season TV shows on DVD). Now I need to double-check the cases for cracks (and clean the dust off!), look over the CDs for scratches, etc and start getting them packed in a box. Shipping will probably be $15 or so, but hey, it's worth it! Yay! |
from haloaskew : |
Thanks for your comments, sweetie! I needed some reeling back in! I've already done the college edukashun thing (and paid back around $18,000 in loans over 10 years, which my Dad had promised he would take of. Uh huh. Righto!) I'm not going to go after my 401(k) money anytime soon. I just needed some perspective. Maybe it was knowing it's THERE if I REALLY need it. And I think I know that millionaire author you're talking about. David something or other. I've read so many books on personal finance, it's sickening. That was my THING for about 2-3 years. Which is why I saved as much as I did in the first place. *sigh* I think I just need a change. Something new to look forward to. Sure, I could still get married and have kids...but I'm not betting the farm on that! I love your comments. You are so helpful and sweet! |
from haloaskew : |
Dad always told me rich people were rich for a reason: They're CHEAP! |
from ricklets : |
Thanks dearest :) I know that, known it all along, you just have to get that sadness junk written down and out of the way, so your mind is clear. Don't worry, I've already promised Myra that the goods are off limits ;) Im staying a virgin for a good long time and if any guy tries any funny business, they die! Thanks again <3 |
from ricklets : |
Thank you :) it was a happy birthday! |
from smedindy : |
Yo! Teetsy! I just added a notify list onto my place, if your buddy list is all filled up. Take care! |
from ricklets : |
Merry Christmas Teets dearest! I hope you have a delightful Christmas with the family.I have some Christmas cheer in my diary which I think you will enjoy, who doesn't like a little Cheech and Chong? Happy Holidays from a faithful and gentle reader. |
from xnavygrrl : |
Oh my god. That is sick. You're better than me. I probably would've puked. |
from his-holiness : |
You know just how to make a man's day. *smooch* |
from haloaskew : |
Have I seen Office Space? It's only one of my favorite movies! If it were a book, it would be MY BIBLE. I also have the soundtrack that I listen to in the car on the way to work, when I'm really in the "I wanna quit today" mood. Which is nearly everyday. ;) |
from im2evil4u : |
You heathen. (Okay, if my work place eye candy slapped me in the ass, I'd run over and hump his leg like a dog - so sue me) |
from haloaskew : |
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm hanging in there while I tweak my master plan...Mwah ha ha! |
from haloaskew : |
Thank you so much for understanding what I'm going through! I was going to write you a note the other day, and I got distracted, but basically my thoughts are in today's entry. It's such a tiny office, so it's really difficult to pull something off with finesse, or better yet, the proper "FUCK OFF!" sentiment. But knowing people like you care and back me up on this, man...that helps SO MUCH. Thank you!! |
from plopphizz : |
Congrats, you have been Quoted: Thanks for the great writing. -- Ploppy. |
from haloaskew : |
No shit! Hand me a gun. |
from porchlife : |
Actually I just made a spaghetti sauce entirely from stuff from my garden...last autumn harvest...and the only spices I had out there were cilantro (yes, I grow it on purpose) and fennel. It was delicious and I fed it to some self-styled cilantro haters and they didn't notice a thing. Mwahahaaaa...maybe you shouldn't be blaming the Mexicans... |
from porchlife : |
re: your note chez Pork You think cilantro in the salsa's bad because of NAFTA? You should try your nasty 'merkin pork rinds in our maple syrup... |
from gothique : |
LOL - Your entries about Doug Kershaw (I miss those pictures, btw - completely hilarious!), were the first ones I read. Sorry...I couldn't help commenting on them. It's the evil in me. :o) If it grosses you out (and I can see why it would), let me know and I'll change my comment for your journal. |
from ricklets : |
Teets dearie, hope you got to rest up this weekend! Since the Alice Cooper concert is tomorrow night (yay!!!!) I won't be able to read/comment as I love to do till Thursday. Don't miss me too much! haha. I'll party out for ya and then it'll be my time to rest! Take care <3 |
from xkitix : |
Oh my goodness lady your diary is hilarious. Somehow I got back to this entry; and I kept seeing the skeleton. Now it is about 11pm here, and my focus is going because I was skating today and used alot of my energy. Anyways, so I'm seeing this skeleton and I noticed he was walking in beat with my music. I laughed for a while and then I kind of changed my focus and I swear he started running. But then I looked back and he was walking again. And now I'm seeing all these skeletons walking around outside my house. Well not really, but anyways, the point is, your diary makes me laugh and see things. I will now ask permission to have you on my buddy list. And if you say no, well I am going to do it anyways. |
from xkitix : |
Noo, thank you for making a hilarious banner! |
from curiouoso : |
Thanks for checking out my pages. Come back again anytime. Curiouoso* |
from xkitix : |
I just liked your banner...about the mousies. It was hysterical. Haha. Nice job. |
from endthelies : |
Hey, I read a couple entries, and I got here through the banner with the singing kitty. My dad likes to recite that all the time. When I was little, he used to sing it to our cat, who never really got it as far as I know. |
from darkenedhell : |
lol..that banner with the kitty singing about lovin mousies..i used to have the coffee mug that said that, i had totally forgotten all about it till now! you madam kick ass! laters. --KiTTy |
from theswordsman : |
Hi. I actually wrote all of those travel stories a couple of years ago - that's how I started at Diaryland. I just moved them from the original diary in March. I put the other matter on temporary hold in Arpil and have been leading a pretty monastic lifestyl, including getting up at three or four in the AM to go work out. But by theme for the year came from Love Actually - "Let's do it. Let's go get the shit kicked out of us by love." So I'll be putting myself back out there in the near future. Cheers.John |
from theswordsman : |
Thanks muchly for adding me to your buddies. Have a great weekend. John |
from smedindy : |
Hey, thanks for the advice on my predicament. I gnu people would come through (hehehehe!) |
from p0pstar : |
i just saw ur BANANERS banner... hehe well. that's all. bye! |
from prettye : |
hey just wanted to say hey well bye |
from bluemeany : |
You know, I had never looked at your profile till you added me (thank you, by the way!), and I just noticed that the song that you put up in the top is one that my mom used to sing to me as a child -- I never knew what the words really were till I got older, so I thought of it more or less EXACTLY the way you wrote it -- as jibberish! You are awesome, and thank you so much for the love on my diary. I swear, I'll be back to funny again soon. ;-) |
from his-holiness : |
Thank you, love. Things went quite well. I'll tell more after the brain returns to its original shape. |
from ricklets : |
It seems I have come muchily late for the wilberteets fanclub, I usually like to be first in line. No matter, I have found, I have read, I enjoy! But I have about 2 years to catch up with. Oh well I accept the challenge! Have a good day ~ricklets~ |
from thayer-p : |
hahahaha! |
from banefulvenus : |
LOVE your mouse banner.... |
from his-holiness : |
May have to go out of my way for it. Tsk... |
from im2evil4u : |
Also, I hope you are feeling better. Email me you contact info and I'll call you -- or if you prefer, I will email you mine |
from im2evil4u : |
Frankly, I don't know. But I can tell you that it was completely unbearable. I only lasted as long as I did, because he was so damn cute. BTW, The Husband and I are in the midst of planning a trip to Nawlin's the week after Christmas -- any suggestions for places to stay? |
from im2evil4u : |
Perhaps we should chat/talk and share war stories then.... unlimited long distance baby. |
from grottonymph : |
LMAO. Yeah, I saw the 80's band show, too. It was like....I HAD to watch, but it hurt. What a train wreck. Gonna watch it next week? Yeah, me to. |
from accentjunkie : |
Omg - found you through your "bananner", and I've gotta say - I KNOW that mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy, AND that a kid'll eat ivy too, wouldn't you?! My granfather used to sing it all the time. Aw. |
from im2evil4u : |
Thanks for taking my back on this one. Fartknockers! LOL I haven't heard that one in ages. |
from lulublu : |
LOL! The Red Hat Society.....oh man! |
from meika : |
Actually I think all those old ladies with the red and purple clothes are red hats are part of the "red hat club". They like... get together and... do stuff. And wear ugly red hats. They scare me too. |
from im2evil4u : |
Well, I was going on the photo of you that is on your profile.. i figured auburn hair = freckles as I have them with my strawberry blonde locks. Bummer, I thought I had you nailed. |
from im2evil4u : |
Idjit is right. Hey, did you happen to see my South Park version of you? The entry prior to todays... check it out. |
from for-you-only : |
never trust a banner that admits it's a banner....~Pink |
from itineration : |
last night i dreamt that my lungs turned into tiny black bananas |
from knock-first : |
what a beautiful house- I am pretty sure I could "unscary it" givn the opp... I want that house! |
from candoor : |
for all the amusements throughout the year, Happy V-Day to you :) |
from vizionz : |
Teets, thank you so much for the note about PAD. I took Granny to see a vascular surgeon a couple weeks ago, and he checked her leg and found 2 out of 3 main veins were flowing good. He said he wanted to do further tests, but he couldn't until that sore healed and referred us to a dermatologist. It's been difficult getting that healed because she's not responding to the antibiotics. We hope this new prescription plus the antibiotic cream will work, because it developed a strep infection and constantly "weeps" a clear fluid when she walks around, not so much when she's being still. Me and my uncle keep soaking it in Domeboro's solution and applying the cream and re-wrapping it 3 times a day, and we make sure she keeps it elevated. She says she feels better today when I checked on her, she got up and walked around and she was sewing when I left for work. I'll definitely mention PAD to the doctor when we see her next week, and we will be following up with the vascular surgeon asap, her regular doctor doesn't think she's diabetic, but she does have hypertension and has been smoking since she was 13 *rolls eyes*, she recently quit, thank God. Thank you so much for helping me out, cuz I was feeling totally helpless. |
from treesssa : |
Hey! I found you through gerg. Just a note to let you know that I think your diary rocks and I will be adding you to my favs. |
from candoor : |
happy new year :) |
from cinamonjaide : |
Hi Since you are on my buddy list, I figured I would give you the link to my message board community. It's a laid back place with a few online friends. You are welcomed to join if you want. If not, that's fine, but I wanted to extend the invitation and let you know you would be welcomed. Here is the addy: |
from gerg69 : |
Oh Teets, You know I was just kidding about the red. That snarky comment was for you and idiot milk only anyway since your both red heads. You know red has always been my favorite right? |
from dalyrical1 : |
you're right teetsie. if you noticed, being in love or a relationship wasn't on my list of "to haves" for my thirtieth. so i think i am making it there...slow and sure...but i'm making it! as always, thank you darlin for leaving that note. you're like my online therapist. i just might have to start paying you!! *wink* love yas!! |
from im2evil4u : |
Hey, I commented on tonights entry and rec'd a diaryland message that your comments are turned off. I dressed up in the sexiest dress I could find AND used hair spray, WTF? |
from iam4ranny : |
Dropped in and found a wildly amusing diary for a change. Rarely, do I stumble on ones that amuse, entertain, and interest me as yours. My compliments on your talent to state the facts with a flair. I loved my time here. Thanks. |
from poked2x : |
Here's me wishing you luck! |
from im2evil4u : |
Thanks, but I when I take these to in I must stop doing my part to save the homeless - the house is not big enough for more. BTW, how far have you managed to get with NOTPRON? I gave up after getting to the 8th level. |
from second-love : |
ahhhhhhh i DO hope you get better soon :) |
from caela : |
Hey, thanks for the note. That does sound pretty sad, I would have been weeping too. That show makes me cry WAY too much. |
from living-lulu : |
ehem.....Hi : ) |
from incredipete : |
Hiya Saucy RH, I wanted to let you know, I had to password my site... too controversial, too many death threats, some of them coming even to my home... I have a password set up for you if you shoot me an email, I'll let you know what it is. [email protected] |
from xnavygrrl : |
Happy Birfday, girlfriend. Mine's in 11 days. |
from wilberteets : |
Yes Trinity, I've heard it can be difficult to get pregnant with PCOS. I think if I had it, I'd rather get pregnant if possible and have another child than deal with that particular disorder. It's a bad one. It would be bad to have another baby and the disorder not clear up though! My friend had one kid... no problem. Then the second kid started the PCOS. Now her doctor wants her to have a third child to snap back out of it. What a situation! |
from trinity63 : |
If you can get pregnant while having the dx of PCOS then that's half the battle, it's hard getting pg while having PCOS. |
from kittyleopard : |
I get those looks WITH my clothes still on...*confuzzled* |
from kittyleopard : |
Nice layout! |
from second-love : |
Oh YIPEE!!!!!!! i LUUUUUUUUUUUUUV change *grin* |
from xnavygrrl : |
I know I'm late but I think you should move to Lafayette. It sounds like you'd really like it. Oh, and that dream sounded scary. That kind of crap really unsettles me and like you I worry that something is going to happen to that person. |
from im2evil4u : |
You know, I was so busy laughing my ass of and taking 65 photos, yes you read that right, of that fifteen minute debaucle that I didn't even know what the case was about. LOL |
from second-love : |
I CAN relate!!! Was up yesterday morning at 2 am!!! Went to bed last night at 8... couldn't keep my eyes open and i was deliriously happy about that! Man... sleep is GOOD |
from vizionz : |
Thank you for all your advice, I know I've never said it to you before, but I do listen to you. I know you've been in my position before and you always take the time to bless me with the benefits of your wisdom, and I do appreciate that. So now I'm returning the appreciation to you!! I'm giving him til the middle of Sept. to leave the house. He wanted to stay longer, but we agreed that this needs to happen soon. I hope I can make it. I'm holding on to my sanity as tightly as I can!!! :-) |
from second-love : |
You are going to LOVE that DVR... i LOVE my TiVo... its awesome!!!! And i spend 1/2 my day on my wireless laptop... its the BEST! |
from second-love : |
here ya go!!!!!!!! poplord 1234 :) |
from second-love : |
hahahahahahahahahaahaha LOVE IT... there are SO many frogs i would like to fry up *grin* |
from second-love : |
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER CUTE!!!Cutie patoooooootie |
from xnavygrrl : |
I know I'm late but I'm glad your sister is cancer-free! |
from discodoll : |
Heeeeeey Xolos are cute. I know, I have one just ask Gergy!!! |
from second-love : |
R.I.P. *grin* |
from gerg69 : |
We should talk more, i enjoy it. Or rather I think I would.... |
from second-love : |
Thank GOD!!! Thats awesome! Thrilled for you ALL! |
from second-love : |
She continues to be in my thoughts and prayers :) |
from second-love : |
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh congrats!!!! So happy for you both!!! |
from second-love : |
Thinkin good thoughts for you and your sis... hang in there *hugs* |
from ineb321 : |
Janaury 7, 1978. I know that makes me a Capricorn, but a friend of mine has been getting into an Eastern interpretation where pretty much everybody bumps back one sign. And lately it has made too much sense for me to embrace my inner Sagittarius. Very strange, but it works. So what's your sign? Feel free to email me back at [email protected] |
from gerg69 : |
I hope everything turns out well for your sister. Also, you really are a good friend. Thanks. |
from xnavygrrl : |
I just want you to know I'm thinking of you and Myra, and sending you warm hugs. You're in my prayers. |
from kittyleopard : |
Awesome diary. I found you through mrcleanluver. You rock!! |
from darkflora : |
i found your diary from a banner, and I just wanted to let you know how enjoyable it is to read your diary. You have a great sense of humor! Take care. |
from theatre-geek : |
Nice diary! I was just searching DL and came across you. I noticed you mentioned Nebraska in this last entry. Have you ever been there? |
from turtlemomma : |
Did you try using Spybot search & destroy? Worked for me. |
from gumphood : | you are guest writing. this should be fun. are you going to stay in Lulu vein, or write your own stuff. |
from his-holiness : |
Thank you. That was touching. |
from ducky-girl : |
Thanks. :) I don't even have the first clue what I want to go back for. *lol* I guess whoever reads my diary will find out at the same time as me what it is I want to do. |
from gerg69 : |
Well alright...but we're gonna run outta cake pretty quick at this rate. |
from gerg69 : |
ah ah ah sorry, gotta take your first answer. |
from gerg69 : |
We're all out of sodding cake! |
from gerg69 : |
I figured it was either a misunderstanding or you were being sarcastic about me JUST discovering Rasputina. What, they've only been around aboooooout 8 years or so? I should have figured you'd like them, they sound like someone you would like. I'll check that other duy today. Cake or death? |
from gerg69 : |
Are you being sarcastic? I love the Toadies! Yep, they're from Fort Worth, they sounded awesome live when they were together, especially in such small clubs like Mad Hatters or the Aardvark. "Mexican hairless" and "Mister love" are far far better songs off that CD..... in my opinion anyway. |
from turtlemomma : |
Now you've got me looking for that damn cat online. I found mugs, coasters, shirts, pens, etc... but none with a tilted head :o( |
from artofliving : |
you are fantastic! i'm very very sorry that bathtime has been so traumatic for you but it's brilliantly entertaining! and it's cool that you're from louisiana, i'm in mississippi |
from dulcibella : |
It's interesting you say your cat liked Aerosmith (dodgy spelling no doubt) - cats do seem to prefer rock over most other musical genres. Bibi Loo will make a snorting sound & stick up his tale in disgust if I even dare to listen to Stevie Wonder. If I was a little cat I'd prefer Stevie over something like Ministry! |
from turtlemomma : |
I love your banner, my mom used to have that kitty poster in our kitchen. "Love to eat them mousies...mousies what I love to eat! Bite they little heads off...nibble on they tiny feet!" :o)~ Hope your day goes better than yesterday. |
from xnavygrrl : |
The visual of the waterbug with a showercap and bathbrush cracked me up. I'm sorry your tradgedy brightened my day. Hee! |
from dulcibella : |
Am also a firm believer that moggies are lovers of music - Bibi Loo loves Metallica & PJ Harvey! I once had a cat that loved Bananarama (it was the 80s) |
from dulcibella : |
My kittle Bibi Loo loves to sit on fashion magazines. He also stole one of my t - shirts which he likes to sleep on. Bibi Loo, not so much a cat but a fashionista! |
from gerg69 : |
I just found your sisters diary. It seems you don't dig on opening the biquit cans too much. I hope the little video didn't blow your mind or anything. |
from gerg69 : |
no i just smack my face into the screen a lot. Maybe i should put up my arms. How do you type that way? |
from gerg69 : |
sleep surfing... |
from gerg69 : |
heh, sorry.But if it makes you feel better it still creeps me out too. And i JUST lookd at it. |
from gerg69 : |
What's a matter? Can't sleep now? |
from realitychic : |
btw, if u go to you can make your own "sweet heart". it's tons of fun. too bad they can't come to life. |
from realitychic : |
i like your cartoon. i think mattel should invent a "make yourself" barbie. then again, that might be freaky. |
from gerg69 : |
Damnit , I'm too dense to get your comment. Look me up on yahoo and tell me. [email protected] or [email protected]'s Instant messenger. |
from o-twinkle-o : |
adding you to my favorites so that i can keep reading .. linked to you from your 'bananner.' really cute. YOU HAD ME FROM THE INDEX PAGE. YOU. HAD ME. FROM THE INDEX PAGE. |
from dalyrical1 : |
holy jeepers creepers batman!!!! can brad look any fucking yummier than in that pic?!?!?!? awww i bow to you....thank you for sharing that picture!!!! *swooning* |
from mgottlieb : |
Not to freak you out, but....mice are not entirely stupid and, even without benefit of an oposable thumb, can pull a door toward themselves. Not that your problem mouse will escape your new trap and visit revenge upon you in your sleep, or anything. I'm just saying :) |
from brandi-babe : |
Hey, thanks for stopping by my new digs. Just so you know, he is only here for financial reasons. Within a few months he'll be gone. I just hope I don't kill him before then. I fight the urge daily. ;-) |
from aidawrites : |
Glad to see someone as obsessed with Brad as me. Those shoulders! |
from dulcibella : |
Ta v. much for your note - glad you liked my answers. Like your diary. Ta ra |
from gerg69 : |
You're a sweetheart for saying that. I like you too...uh Wilbur? Have I asked you about that name yet? |
from his-holiness : |
Heya Teetsie. I'm probably going to call you withing minutes after writing this, but what can you tell me about Aquarius women? |
from awittykitty : |
What's wrong with talking to frogs? Maybe one of them will really be a prince. :-) |
from xnavygrrl : |
I didn't know you live in Louisianna. I LOVE Louisianna. Lucky girl. |
from catspajamas : |
i am so glad to hear im not the only dork still in love with Ren & Stimpy. Sorry it took so long to respond but I was playing with my nose goblins. |
from miabogard : |
LMAO! I live in philly, and although I've never been 2600 dollars behind, I do know how to get everything cheaper. Gawd... I gotta move to south jersey. Philly sucks. |
from his-holiness : |
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
from his-holiness : |
Yeesss, the jolly, candy-like button |
from his-holiness : |
Just don't press this big, red button. |
from melomane : |
Thank you so much for all your kind words. I'm not hearing many of those lately so they mean even more than usual, and they've always meant a lot. I feel like I'm drowning in other peoples' lies. My diary wasn't fiction, and neither am I. Thank you for your support. You are a really, really nice person. |
from gerg69 : |
Well it's about damn time you swooned...all you women should swoon over me and my damned humor...Thats about all i got goin for me! |
from his-holiness : |
Damn skippy they're chocolate chip cookies. |
from gerg69 : |
You got the Toadies over there? Really? |
from his-holiness : |
I just had a mom call asking if we could handle a kid with Aspergers and I thought of you-D |
from his-holiness : |
DJs are nasty. So are school teachers. |
from pattymelt : |
holy shit! where do you work? what a bunch of retards! and i thought i worked with all the dumbasses! although, they do nothing but pretty much leave me alone cause nobody wants to do my job. good luck. |
from parlance : |
Sorry to hear that =/ |
from neangel : |
sorry to hear about your pup. best wishes. [thea referred me - dalyrical1] |
from parlance : |
Yes! Audioslave! And I love the dog. |
from joeparadox : |
I'm sorry. So so sorry. |
from xnavygrrl : |
I'm so sorry your dog died. They are just like our own children and it hurts about the same when they pass. You're in my thoughts. |
from wilberteets : |
Thanks for the notes everybody. My comments aren't there yet because I have to add the link in there. I fooled with the new templates for so long I got tired of it so I left it as is and then I started getting some WTF feedback on my lovely new template, so I was thinking of changing it and didn't want to add all the links and stuff if I am just going to be changing it right away. I am going to change it soon, but for now, I'll just add that link so people can comment. hehe. |
from myramains : |
Forgive me for typing like a moron. I meant, "in line" and "bless her heart". Thank you. |
from myramains : |
Hey Biscuithead. :) I am wondering, on your new template, where be the comments? How can I get there to tell you: #1. I am glad I didn't go see Monster with you. I think you cried like that because you are about to explode from stress, is what I think. I feel that way, too...i got the knots on the back of my neck and the bitches HURT! They usually don't hurt. Also (#2) about "debonaire"...I was shopping an hour ago and the girl in front of me in live had to give her name. It was...bless her beart....Barbara Bonin. As in ham and coitus. Bonin. I know for sure that girl deals with some shit at school. Bonin. MAN. Finally, did you notice that, in the previous note, Dalyrical1 calls you a hoe? (hehehehehehehheheheheheeeeeeee....just kiddin', Thea. But, for the record, she IS a ho! heheheheeeeeeeee............!!!) |
from dalyrical1 : |
teets hunnie, thank you soooooooo much for the note you left me!!! it had me thinking and you are so right. i need to tell her. before i read it, i had decided that i have forgiven her for the past...she did the best she could and she is trying her hardest to make it up to me now. i just love her so much...and all this is so damn petty. again, thank you for explaining the symptoms and stuff to me. you'll never ever know hoe much it meant to me when i read it. you my bitch fo' life girl!! lol btw...i like the new template. quite cheery!! |
from mgottlieb : |
This layout takes me back to my childhood! It reminds me of the Partridge Family's bus, for sure! |
from his-holiness : |
We should talk. I tried to call you three or four times this weekend, but kept getting an automatic message saying you were unavailable. I don't hate the new design, It was just a bit shocking. Talk soon-D |
from elgan : |
Actually, I really like your layout, except for the yellow box with the most recent entries. It kind of detracts from your entr�e du jour, if you know what I mean. Some subtler colour might be appropriate. Otherwise, I think it rocks. |
from orlandoninja : |
Yes color hurts ninjas, why do you think they all wear black? Oh no, I've given our secret weakness away! |
from mornglory : |
Hey, I LIKE IT, very Mondrian |
from wilberteets : |
Sheesh. A little color never hurt a ninja. |
from orlandoninja : |
GAh! So bright!! |
from his-holiness : |
Jeeziz, that's a big change. How are things? |
from living-lulu : |
You know I'm a template whore so... and I love the venus one it made me think of you : ) |
from his-holiness : |
Now that I've said that I have to come up with something good. Hope all is well. I'll call you this weekend-D |
from dalyrical1 : |
how great would it be if my satan and your satan knew each other?!?! lol |
from dalyrical1 : |
how could i be sad with such a great birthday song from you? thanks girlie...thank you sooooooo much!! |
from wilberteets : |
Confidential to Gwenllian: Yes, it was your husband who posted those things, not you. You didn't deserve a whole lot of what happened to you. Hope you are in a happier place. |
from wilberteets : |
I loves me some Eddie. You know it. |
from wilberteets : |
Happy Tuesday! |
from luvabeans : |
"did i leave the iron on? no, i didn't. i'm a fucking squirrel!" eddie izzard rocks the house. i saw his schlong when he starred in "lenny", the story of lenny bruce, in london. yep. lotsa nekkid eddie. no executive transvestite THAT night, i'll tell ye. |
from lobsterchick : |
Dude, thanks for the note. Of course, I'll be changing the layout soon because I get bored with everything, but feh. For now it's nice. |
from peachick : |
Hi, I just linked you as a fav. hope it's ok for ya :) |
from his-holiness : |
Of course. How could I not get it for you? I hope all is well in Teetsville. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?-D |
from his-holiness : |
Heya Teets, I found this book I wanted to pick up for you, but I wouldn't know where to send it. You can e-mail me at [email protected] Good luck with you appliance intallation woes-D |
from candora : |
you are just too amusing for your own good :) |
from whenyouare : |
So sometimes I'm a bit childish. However, I'm sure you'd love to know that I'm giggling maniacally over your Bananner Banner. |
from mgottlieb : |
You poor thing. Picturing you as the center of a "Yeti Sammich" It's wrong. It is just so wrong. LOL |
from his-holiness : |
A friend who reads my diary got all excited when she saw my natal chart and wanted one of her own. "I'll pay her." She said, then proceeded to say, "Is that a picture of her? She's really cute." Just thought you'd want to know-D |
from loopyboi : |
Biscuit whore! LMAO! Great banner! xxx Jamie |
from mgottlieb : |
You are too cool! I was born on November 28, 1968 at 10:20 p.m. in Monte Vista, Colorado which is in the southwestern part of the state. In case you needed to know that. I know that I am a sag but that is about all that I know. Thanks for doing the chart, I hope I find out that I am astrologically pre-destined to be a millionaire. After all, what are the odds? LOL |
from his-holiness : |
I'm on Metro PCS, which is a flat rate, month to month, unlimited access plan. The actual range of the phone is limited, but I can call anywhere for as long as I like. |
from his-holiness : |
It does seem to be. How are things in Teetsville? How's the natal chart coming along? I know that things are going to be getting busy here soon, but at the moment it's difficult to believe. I'm just listening to my CDs and checking my e-mail. But soon, soon the applications are going to be pouring in and it shall be madness. Take care-D |
from his-holiness : |
It worked out that I did get out of the house tonight. I suddenly went from having two unrealistic potential plans, to bailing on a friend because I wanted to go to my baby sister's birthday party. How long have the sister unit and chillun's been residing in your abode? I hope today finds you well and happy-D |
from his-holiness : |
It is unfortunate. Here it is, Saturday night, I've got nothing to do, and I can't drop by Teetsville for word games. Whatever you do tonight, I hope you have fun. Personally, I'm broke and have no transportation, so it's going to be yet another night of entertaining myself with books, and frenzied internet surfing-D |
from his-holiness : |
Sadly we live a couple thousand miles apart, so I can't drop in to play Scrabble. |
from his-holiness : |
I had been taking penicillin all my life as well, then, one day, it decided it was no longer interested in continuing to allow me to breathe. So it shut off all my air passages. The best part though is that my mom wouldn't stop talking on the phone when I told her I wasn't feeling well, and was having trouble breathing. Ah well, here i am, twenty years later, laughing about it. I hope all is well in Teetsville. Take care-D |
from his-holiness : |
Yeah, antibiotics are really bad for you, but sometimes they're better than the alternative. I'm deathly allergic to Penicillin and I make this very clear every time I see a new doctor, but I had this ear infection once and discovered on the way home from the pharmacy that I had been prescribed ampicillin. It's a bit of fortune that my mom was in the medical field, so I'm aware of the "drug families." Fucking careless doctor could have killed me. I hope you get better soon. Take care-D |
from his-holiness : |
Anything I can do for you. I haven't been around little kids, but I am faced with a spoiled, insistent cat. Not that that compares. I hope you have a good x-mas, and that at least one person gets you something you really wanted, instead of just a couple of things you have a use for-D |
from iluvtunes : |
not for nothing, but the password for my diary is lucky7 and the username to enter is mine...iluvtunes. I had to lock it up cuz my diary was showing up when ya put the hillbillies name into a search engine. Anyways, have a good holiday! xo....christina |
from navajorebel : |
Guess what? Your a favorite on my profile now! Go on, clap! |
from tenshime : |
hehee,*laughs* its not dutch, its finnish:) im plannin' on writin' it in english, but im not there quite yet... time�ll show... |
from thevow : |
Nice play on words or typing error? Fiend or friend? |
from thevow : |
Nice play on words or typing error? Fiend or friend? |
from his-holiness : |
As a Libra is it possible to be Pure Evil? Sounds like the sort of thing that would require a whole lot of mulling over. Fuck, at least we're not Geminis, then there'd be four of us. |
from his-holiness : |
Mine's Oct. 8 |
from his-holiness : |
Fantastic, when's your birthday? |
from realitychic : |
hope u feel better soon *hands a tissue and a cup of tea* |
from myramains : |
Your picture! Fabulous, darling! It just brightens up the place! Very nice, sistahfriend. |
from rockyraven : |
yea chris cornell! you got a cool diary. |
from iluvtunes : |
Actually, I HAVE been reading your diary somewhat. But I have to admit that the last time that I was reading it with any sort of regularity was back when you let that guy detail your car and then you got all skunked and bugsprayed. So, obviously, it's been awhile. And, of course, after reading Opera-Man's entry that drew attention to all of this madness, I ran right over to your diary to see what in the hell was going on, so now I'm all caught up! ( I knew that he HAD to be talking about one of you when he reffered to you two as "the bunny boiler and her sister"! ) And by the way....your dog is adorable!!!! |
from his-holiness : |
Thanks. Yeah, it would seem that it's gotten to the point of absurdity, and I certainly won't be going in there trying to start shit, I just have this sick sort of train-wreck need to see what the hell is going on. Take care-D |
from wilberteets : |
his-holiness, ya know... we're not really upset anymore. It has gotten so funny and silly I'm just entertained now. |
from his-holiness : |
If it's not too much; who the hell is this woman? I'm really curious to read whatever bile she's spewing to get you and your sister this upset-D |
from realitychic : |
umm...thanks for the uh..enlightment |
from spiffy12345 : |
um hello, what happened to Halloween? |
from mgottlieb : |
Thank you for the revenge idea. I just might have to try that :) |
from realitychic : |
geez man...u really are ringing up those hit numbers...131---(etc.etc.) cool dude. |
from spiffy12345 : |
Fun story! |
from gwenllian : |
No, he did it. He was caught cold. I'm not imagining things this time. |
from realitychic : |
actually the main course is his employee (hint,hint) |
from spiffy12345 : |
Thanks for the note, i was so lonely! |
from brain-dump : |
LOL. Loved your "bananer" and had to click. Yes well, someone needed to beat David Gest's ass. Why not Liza? Great diary, I'll be back! |
from his-holiness : |
No, I haven't seen this guy, and yes, Liza seems like a tough old broad. And we have to ask ourselves; has a lifetime of celebrity so warped Michael and Lisa Marie's minds that they thought it would work? Take care-D |
from his-holiness : |
Not to downplay the humour of your entry, because it is funny, but I do think it's worth noting that men are abused by their wives and girlfriends all the time. However it frequently goes unreported, or when it is reported it is treated with derision. That said, you're probably right-D |
from drunkencynic : |
I love ghosts. I fully believe in them, a trait that I get a lot of flak for, seeing as I'm supposed to be a cynic. It's so cool that you post ghost stories. I do that occasionally. If you want to check it out: drunkencynic/hobgoblin. |
from ironbull : |
...You want to know the damndest thing? I read your diary today. I read the entry on the haunted hospital...that whole coincidence gives me the fucking willies. |
from ironbull : |
Why thank you very much for that note you left me. And it would help me out that you tell people about my diary. I mean, Jesus tap-dancing Christ, only three people read my diary. |
from realitychic : |
in response to your note: my dad can down a few tots when he wants |
from his-holiness : |
Fantastic. It's along way from Louisiana to Philly. I was in the airport in Philly a couple of months ago. If there were housing and a grocery store it would have everything. Take care-D |
from his-holiness : |
Hey, I dropped you a line once before to let you know I think your diary is super snazz, and that opinion has not changed. I was just dropping in again to let you know that I just noticed your Eddie Izzard reference and I'm a great big Eddie fan. I just saw his show, Sexie, In San Francisco. It was a really small theatre and we had a fantastic view. It was actually Arlette (who rocks) that got me into him. He's quite mad. He's also gone back to wearing falsies. Take care-D |
from wilberteets : |
Ok my peeps. I will post another story. Hmmmmm... wonder which one I'll go with? |
from spiffy12345 : |
I am so scared! *jumps in chair* Tell another story pleeeeeeeeez! |
from trapidi : |
new story pleeeeeeeeeeeeez |
from his-holiness : |
Wonderful. I will add you to my very short list of favourites. You've got a good thing going-D |
from trapidi : |
love the story...told it to my cousin...scared the pants off her ( was nasty!!!) tell more...scare my diary...*BOO* |
from realitychic : |
nice halloween story. by the way you can read mine now (if you want) |
from realitychic : |
i only read the first page of your diary and it's really funny. keep up the good work. p.s. don't read mine right now..i just started and it sucks |
from sheisbliss : |
haha. that story reminds me of my time whenever he was at work (grocery store) he bumped into this really "big" lady & said "my fat" instead of "my bad".Sounds like you have foot in mouth just as bad as my |
from zamorak : |
I love your diary! I'm adding a link to it cause its hilarious! Beaver.... Lol!!! |
from ediblekitten : |
you gotcha self a spankin' diary there... |
from everoboto : |
I found your page through one of your banners. Just wanted to say "hi" and nice site. \m/ |
from fucked-raw : |
shit man i be have the chruch nuts up in there that got me spooked out lol love you |
from izzardgrrrl : |
naughty worm! --The Cell |
from fucked-raw : |
♥ |
from dalyrical1 : |
go teets...its your birthday...we're gonna party like its your birthday....we gonna drink bacardi like it your birthday...and you know that we dont give a fuck cuz it your birthday!!! happy birthday teets!!!!!!!!!! |
from ineb321 : |
Read it out loud, it's a play on words and sounds, just like yours with lambs and goats and oats. Though mine is about ducks and their wings. |
from mistresslink : |
aww! i feel so warm and fuzzy! |
from soulfan24 : |
Donnie Darko's an EXCELLENT movie. Good taste in music as well. |
from squirrelx : |
THANK YOU for the wonderful guestbook message. I'm sorry you had to run the divorce gauntlet, but very happy that you made it through to a better life and profoundly grateful for your empathy. Warmest regards, Xtine |
from flyinby : |
Thanks! |
from iluvtunes : |
Did you know that Mike Patton is going to be in a movie? It's called "Firecracker" and it WAS going to star Dennis Hopper, but Dennis Hopper backed out of the movie and now they have convinced Mike to give up the co-star role and instead take the STARRING role that Dennis Hopper was going to do! YEE-HAW!!!!!!!! I'm so fucking excited, I can hardly stand it!!!!! |
from flyinby : |
wow, i like what i've read so far. i love the banner and your profile is funny. i am gonna go delve into more of your pages now. ta! |
from proofrok : |
hey teets n' sistah, n' everybody else-it's Monday 8/18, and if you wanna see a photo of Poppa Rok and the Divine Miss M. over at my profile get thee there soon, it's a one day only sale! (No I'm not selling her on the black market...yet!) |
from wilberteets : |
iluvtunes, I'm on the case. Maybe the others will follow suit. No problem with the long post. I like it when my notes board is active. ~Teets |
from iluvtunes : |
Yes, DEFINITELY met the challenge! (and then some!!) I really appreciate it and I've heard NOTHING from him since! Sorry that I didn't notice that note here earlier....but I've been going through some unbelievably CRAZY shit, and haven't checked our little unofficial note board here in awhile. So, I realize that ya'll don't read my diary cuz I'm not on your buddy lists, so you're not aware of the utter insanity going on in my life, but I wanna ask you you believe in reincarnation and soulmates and all of that? I have experienced some shit recently that is absolutely blowing my mind and since you all are into the paranormal, I thought that you might have some thoughts on what I am going through and how best to deal with it. In a nutshell, what has happened is that I have had a crush on someone that I don't know for about 9 months and I've recently had events that give me the impression that I died with him in a car crash back in the late 40's. (crazy, huh?) I can't just give you one diary entry to read that will explain all of this, but if you were to read the following entries,( go way back and start with "a simple wish" and then skip forward to "Nooooooo! Please just say that it isn't so" and keep reading until you get to today, you'll get the picture. Just make SURE that you read, "My tragic tale."!! So, sorry to be actually asking you to read my diary, but since ya'll are into this paranormal stuff like I am, I thought that you might have some sort of insight into what I have been experiencing. (sorry about the long note, teets!) XO......Christina |
from wilberteets : |
Time for a new note. Hi Teets! How's it going Pal? ~Teets |
from wilberteets : |
Ah yes, Proofrok... you met the challenge indeed, and it reminds me of the sad sad episode with Dippy McTard, the U of K student who likewise, could not afford his own pc. Tsk, tsk... I got a big kick out of your entry. You exposed the wee lass fully. haha. ~Teets |
from proofrok : |
I believe I met the below challenge, what say you? |
from iluvtunes : |
Nice guy, huh? I should have proofy find out where he lives (he said he could find people within a mile radius, didn't he?) I already know that they live in Corpus Christie, TX. How funny would it be to have a bunch of bikers show up at his house and put the fear of God in him? Of course, I wouldn't let them REALLY cut off his balls. Maybe just nick them a little and make him cry and beg like the mewling infant that he obviously is! Xo...Christina |
from wilberteets : |
Go me. hehe. Glad you liked your astro reading Sandy. And I am glad to have met another astro-sister. ~Teets |
from lobsterchick : |
dude. you were totally right on with that entire thing. we are such astro-sisters! rock! |
from iluvtunes : |
So, have any of you guys been verbally assaulted by this little "rhp" motherfucker, yet? Go look at his diary. In particular interest to me is a diary entry from today (8-5-03) about ME! I'd like to find out where this little bitch lives so that I can have some of my dad's biker friends go cut his fucking balls off and feed them to him!~XO...Christina |
from wilberteets : |
Thanks very much for the compliment. I've clicked on many a banner for Squirrelx and I've read a bunch of your entries. Always entertaining. Your writing reminds me of the way my "Aint Phil" talks. And what is cuter than a squirrel? ~Teets |
from squirrelx : |
I found your diary by way of Proofrok's, and God bless him for providin' the link 'cause the experience of readin' you is a pure pleasure. Warmest regards, Xtine |
from wilberteets : |
Thanks Kate for the compliments. I'll do yours as soon as I can. I am a little back-logged. I should make an astrology site. I might just do that one day. ~Teets |
from kate-rock : |
your diary is soo much fun! If you get a chance I was born march 28th 1979 in Maryland in a town called Laplata at 7:40 are a doll and your ghost stories are super....I"m inspired to share a few of my own sometime in my diary.....take care! |
from iluvtunes : |
Hey, Teets. When you get done with the gazillion other people that want astrological readings, would ya do me? I'm December 7th. XO...Christina |
from girl-aflame : |
That's incredible... my.. hm, used to be fiance, now sorta.. well whatever. anyway, someone i know like the back of my hand was born on nov. 3 and that is him EXACTLY. to a TEE. i'm amazed, even though i wasn't a total skeptic to begin with. |
from wilberteets : |
Proofrok, that's what I'm screamin'!! Even with my limited knowledge of you, I know that thing was accurate. Mine was right on target too. ~Teets |
from proofrok : |
the entry about 11/3 ' one of the spookiest things I've read in a long time. I mean, just creepy. THANKS!! |
from wilberteets : |
ok peeps, it will take me a little while to do these astro reports. I plan to do it over the weekend when I have more time. ~Teets |
from antisthenes : |
Ooo, you got me. I was born March 19, 1986 in Texas (I believe it was dallas), at, as I recall, 2:13 in the afternoon. Huzzah! |
from girl-aflame : |
Oh wow, I'd like to hear what you can tell me about myself.. I was born on 12/17/84 at 12:24 a.m. in Charleston, South Carolina. Oo, how exciting. |
from proofrok : |
Oh, lovely and talented teets, thankee for the commiseration. I had to have a little conniption after that, and I guess I felt better. I will try to reconstruct the entry today as it's an important one for me. Thanks for being among the bestest of d-land buds. |
from wilberteets : |
Ok Christine, if you believe in Astrology, we are officially twins who were separated at birth. :-) |
from iluvtunes : |
That's funny that you refer to yourself as the Gilmore Girls. I don't know if you've ever read my long ass profile or not, but at the very bottom of it I refer to the fact that I have a teenage daughter (I was married as a teenager as well) and then further went on to describe my daughter and myself as 'the bizzaro version of the Gilmore Girls'. We go to concerts and shit together all the time and people NEVER think that we are mother and daughter! Looks like we have even more in common then I initially thought!XO...Christina |
from peggyhill : |
Yeah, Teetsie's a babe. I am Teetsie's little sister, but she's got fewer laugh lines, (if any) and I don't appreciate it. Of course, Teetsie never had a fling with the Marlboro man as I have, and Teet's life is carefree and fabulous while mine is frought with harrowing worry and constant struggle. Dang her. hehehehe. Of course I'm being a bit fecetious...but not much. Muahaha. Actually, I'm mining for compliments and pity, which are the flavahs of the gods. So lay it on me. C'mon. Don't be shy. :) |
from wilberteets : |
iluvtunes, Yes, I am. But luckily for me, my daughter and I are asked if we are sisters very frequently. I got lucky with the good genetics. We are just like the Gilmore Girls, except we are much more fabulous and bootylicious, dontcha know. I got married very young and had her very young and now she's grown and I'm still young. I've been happily divorced for a year, this month. ~Teets |
from iluvtunes : |
35? you are OVER 35, teets???? Not that there's anything WRONG with that, hell...I'm over 35 too! I just assumed that you and your sister were teenagers or early twenties or something. WOW....color me suprised!!!XO....Christina |
from soulstrong : |
hey, thanks for leaving me a note! i havent been gettin many lately! glad to welcome you aboard matey! (i'm just weird like this lol) Letti |
from iluvtunes : |
So, just out of curiousity, do any of you all read edgarfrog? If you don't, you should. Sooo fucking funny! Seriously!!! (of course, I'm biased, as I have an unquenchable desire to be this mans sex slave!) XO.....Christina |
from proofrok : |
I ain't dropped shit, y'all. I'm just sittin' here eatin graham crackers and jiggling my leg like usual. No rebukes from me. You shoulda seen my original diary layout. Now THAT was worth a rebuke. |
from peggyhill : |
Teeter: Yes, I bet you're right about Proofrok...he took one look at that hoke-ass website and rebuked us both. Hehehe. (Nahh. He was very nice about not pointing and laughing, and he uttered nary a neener.) And about my own diary? I'm ret' to do that thang! Of course, I'm loaded down like a packmule with obligations right this second...but sooooon, man. Sooooooon. I don't think any of your faithful friends are gonna turn you out, Seester. You're far too fun to read, and you have better scaries than me. |
from wilberteets : |
iluvtunes: We are united in our love for the weird stuff. hehe. (and Mike Patton)~Teets |
from iluvtunes : |
Ya know those images that are on Proofroks diary?(the petroglyphs from the Plains of Nazca in Peru) I ALMOST had some of them tattooed on my arm a few years ago. And regarding his whole pyramids theory? I could talk for HOURS about all of that, as I have MANY books on that and various related subjects. It's a small world after all!XO.....Christina |
from wilberteets : |
To mine schwester: I think Proofrok saw the station's site and has dropped us both. hehehe |
from wilberteets : |
PeggyHill: When you get your own diary, everyone is going to toss me over like Spike's old sock. Go ahead and mooch, parasite. hehehehe. To iluvtunes: I know peggyhill exists, because she is my sister. Girlfriend needs to come over and let me help her set up her diary and stuff. ~Teets |
from peggyhill : |
Iluvtunes! I'mlame! I haven'tdone anything yet! I built noprofile n' stuff because I plan to make a "real" diary soon...right now I'm just sponging off Teets; I don't even plan to be called PeggyHill (that was a spur-of-the-moment name I logged in just so I could see what Teets was up to)...I'm sorry I'm being so lazy about it. I'll get the ball rolling soon, 'cause I'm becoming a pariah to poor, mooched upon Teetlette. ~ PeggyHill,a.k.a.Teet's Sister,aka T.S. |
from iluvtunes : |
Re: peggyhill. I went to look at her profile and there was nothing there. Then I went to the members directory and put 'peggyhill' into the "search feature". Nothing. So, hey proofy and sure are you that SHE isn't actually a 'ghost'? ~insert twilight zone theme music here~ Very Spooky! XO......Christina (but seriously, how do I find peggyhill? I want to read her profile & diary and stuff!) |
from peggyhill : |
Alright, Proof. you have worn my defenses down. SEE my HIDEOUS BUTT ZIT! Cast your eyes on it's palpitating ugliness! LLLLOOOOOOK AT IT! LOOOOOOOOK! (OK, better now.) Please remember that I warned you it was crap, k? 'Cause it's crap. It's UBERcrap. I'm deeply ashamed. And now, to mail the address to you. (cringe!) |
from proofrok : |
peggy hill; I swear no neeners if you give me that URL-you can IM- Yahoo ID proofrok_2003 or if you prefer [email protected] frankly I'm sittin' here spooked and want something to do, so someone send me something to read or something or the somethings outside the door will do something to...*takes medicine*...okay, better now. ;^P |
from proofrok : |
Ironically, the only reason I got my first job is because I knew how to pronounce names like Ignasz Penderecki or Mstislav Rostropovich-my best buddy in the world Arvut the invincible had a job there already and he trained me to board op and such like. My first aircheck was hideous. My natural voice is rather high, and to minimize strain on it (I worked graveyard, of course,) I spoke naturally. My p.d. and I listened and before he said anything I said, "I know, I sound like a chick. I'll lower it." And proceeded to speak in this fuzzy sounding fake baritone for two years on the air. That said, I absotively loved doing radio, and would do it again in a heartbeat if the right opportunity arose. |
from chedderfish : |
ok, thanks for all your creepy stuff! I can't sleep now heh! I love hearing all about stuff like that though really!I'll keep reading if you keep writing! |
from peggyhill : |
Heehheheh!! True, the P.D. is a pill...but it isn't because he's a's because the GM controls EVERYTHING and the P.D. is essentially a unuch as a result. He has no say about ANYTHING, so he latches onto whatever little thing he catching me on the computer. MMMM! POWAAAAAH! I had no idea you had done radio! Mine and Teet's father was a classical radio announcer, too...for 6 months. He kept mispronouncing the composer's when he went in and said, "Gimme a raise, or I'm out!", they said, "Bye!" hehehe...poor Dad. |
from proofrok : |
Deal. And you know, most PD's I've known had the creativity of a special needs cockroach, so screw 'em, tell 'em to go back and finish counting his payola. I completely forgot to tell you that I started in radio as a classical announcer and later had a job as a Traffic Director for a top 40 station in Louisville. A very brief job. My marriage was crapping out and I couldn't take the stress of that and what a traffic director has to deal with. Hm. My biography here on Wilberteets' note page. It's an original idea, at least. No. I'm annoying myself, now. |
from peggyhill : |
Sorry about the chimp-typing, everyone. As I tried to construct that note, my program director decided it was time to tell me that I am not allowed to use this computer. What does HE care? What a shitpoke. Anyway...I'll think about it, Proofrok. Just promise not to point and laugh, or neener neener me, once you've seen the shame. Deal? |
from peggyhill : |
Iluvtunes, Teetsie is agenerous soul who loves notes. Go to town! If she didn'tliek it,she woulda surely told ME, sine I have been abusing her notes and commentsa-plenty lately. Guffaw! Proof...the site is TRULY horrible. I'm deeply ashamed of it. Showing it to you, the coolest of modest diarists, would be akin to admitting to you that I have a treacherous butt-zit. By the way, that's hypothetical...the butt zit part...oh lord. |
from wilberteets : |
I don't mind you leaving notes to each other on here at all. It's fun to read. So carry on! ~Teets |
from iluvtunes : |
Hey, they started it with leaving a note to me! By the way Proofy, I left a note for you on YOUR notespage AND I left a comment for you about your creepy ufo/ghost entry. ~sorry, wilberteets. I'll quit leaving notes to other people here....but THEY started it! :-) ps- hey 'teets, they have an article on Mike Patton in Stuff magazine this month. Check it out if you can. (I had to do my duty today as official Patton pusher!) |
from wilberteets : |
Creepy Willy Boogens!!! I got your creepy willy boogens right here! More true spook stories coming soooooooooon. You guys are funny with all these notes to each other. ~Teets |
from proofrok : |
I wanna hear the creepy willy boogens story what Teets gots to deliver. Do Tell! And a note to Peggy Hill-don't y'all go teasin' a body about "I woulda linked you to my radio station's site, but..." that's just mean! Now my curiosity is just driving me all teetsified. Eh. I'll survive though. *sniff*. Ah, Deutschland. |
from peggyhill : |
Heheheee! |
from iluvtunes : |
Don't regret it peggyhill, that shit WAS funny!XO.....Christina |
from proofrok : |
Dear iluvtunes; if you're gonna judge folk by their music preferences, then i'm pretty damned glad I took Frank Yankovic and his wildass polka playing buddies off my profile. :^P |
from peggyhill : |
O.K...I regret that already. It seemed funny at the time. I need a nap. |
from peggyhill : |
Allow me to clear up the "lovers" issue: it wasn't Chris Cornell, it's a different fellah by the name of CornOLE. |
from wilberteets : |
To:iluvtunes. RE: Chris Cornell. No, I hadn't heard that. I always thought he was just waiting to meet a voluptuous redhead named wilberteets. Here I was playing hard to get for nothing. ~Teets |
from wilberteets : |
To: iluvtunes: RE: Proofrok. Yes, his diary is good. He has a way of describing a scene or a place or a time that transports the reader. And he writes fiction. He also has a links page with some really interesting stuff on it. Example: There is a link to a medical examiners intern's journal that I find morbidly fascinating. I read that whole thing today. He finds obscure journals, like mine, and announces to his readers that it's a place worth visiting. All in all, his journal has a nice beat and is easy to dance to. :-) |
from iluvtunes : |
Okay, one more thing.....did you know that Chris Cornell was rumored to be Jeff Buckley's lover?(they were best friends) Also...if you like Poe, try Portishead and Lamb. XO......Christina |
from iluvtunes : |
So what's with this proofrok? I see lots of people list him as a favorite and I WANT to read his diary, but I just can't seem to get past the fact that we don't appear to have anything in common musically. Is his diary REALLY any good? XO........Christina (by the way, I'm adding you to my favorites!) |
from peggyhill : |
You know, Proof...the vision of you weeping softly in front of a collection of "fond" Precious Moments figurines is almost as good as the idea of you fondLING them, anyway! And by the by, HOW did you know that, of all figurines, those are the ones most hated by Teets n' Company? It's UNCANNY! :) Those stupid little teardrop-shaped eyes. Pffft! |
from iluvtunes : |
Tomahawk? Heard it? (Yes?/No?) Also, since you've been Reading Stephen King all of your life (like me!) you now need to read Clive Barker. As good as King (yep...I SAID IT!). Hey, I was told the same thing when I was turned on to Clive Barker...and I laughed in their face. But guess what? They were right...he IS as good as King!!! You MUST start with The Damnation Game(novel) or Books of Blood (short stories;three volumes). Believe me, you'll LOVE him!(and I'm not one of those dipshits that reads John Saul and the like and thinks of that as good horror....I only read EXCELLENT horror like H.P.Lovecraft, R.R.McCammon, T.E.D. Klein, and of course Stephen King. So, check him out. AND CHECK OUT TOMAHAWK!!!!!(sorry, I'm a Patton Pusher!) :-) |
from peggyhill : |
Fondle what you like, just don't call me Wilbertwat. Or Turdburglar. hehehe...ok, that's funny...but no. Please. god, no. I don't want to be Wilbertwat! |
from wilberteets : |
Proofie, it was double funny for all the trouble involved. hehe. ~Teets. ::fondling precious moments figurines:: har har |
from proofrok : |
What the f**k??? Is the TYPO thing catching or what? I MEANT, "fondLE precious moments figurines." Doggone fingers ruin a good joke....*grumblegrumblegrumble...* |
from proofrok : |
print this page out in color and put it in a scrapbook filled with loving family moments. *sniff*. I think I'm gonna go weep softly to myself and fond precious moments figurines. |
from wilberteets : |
Why you, I oughta... |
from peggyhill : |
AAAAAAAAAAUGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Why you...... |
from wilberteets : |
Shut it, Twat. hehe. |
from peggyhill : |
Wilbertwat. I am SO telling Mom. |
from wilberteets : |
Sistah - ya know what's funny? I can't even correct a typo in my own notes. I can only delete notes. |
from wilberteets : |
PS: I suggested that she adopt the name "Wilbertwat" but I don't think she's gonna. har har |
from wilberteets : |
Note to Proofrok: PeggyHill is my sister, in disguise. When she posts in the g-book, or in comments, she's Teet's sister, but in notes she's PeggyHill. When she breaks down and makes a diary, we'll find out what her Diaryland name will be. ~Teets |
from peggyhill : |
Hellish just like a foke-in' stupid typo like "wold". |
from peggyhill : |
No harm done, Proofrok...the truth of the deal came out before I had a chance to hyperventilate. No Tennessee...only more hot, more humid, more sweaty, more ickier parts of Louisiana. We came of age in Colorado, see, so you can see Teet's desire to get into a better climate. To see this hope dashed is sad, even though I'd be horrified if she moved away and left me to handle Mama alone. Which wold, by the way, be hellish. |
from iluvtunes : |
So, did you listen to Tomahawk and/or Fantomas? If so, what did ya think??? And if not......GO GET TOMAHAWK!!!!!!!! |
from wilberteets : |
To: Proofrok From: Teets You are too kind, Dear Proofrok. And quite a PR rep for the state of Tennessee. They should put you on the payroll. :-) |
from proofrok : |
Reference the note below; That could be Tennessee's new tourism campaign-"There's less poo in Tennessee..." anyhoo-as to your comment in response to my comment-dahlink, you need to be linked, so ze vorld vill hear your gorgeous voice und like you. That's why I do it. I give props to mah peeps. Or teets, as the case may be. Tell your cissy I apologize for scaring her with my glowing recommendation. |
from girl-aflame : |
I say go for it. There's got to be less poo in TN. |
from proofrok : |
TO: The teetsiest of teets FROM: The proofiest of proofs RE: Bitchy Underlings. I thankee kindly for the commiseration, Miss. My guy is really a good guy, but he's got that arrogance of youth going on. My best method in the past for taking any uppity assistant down a notch is to simply prove to them in some manner I can do any job in there better than them-considering I designed how all the jobs are done. Occasionally I have the odd witty retort at my command, but every now and then my temper just jumps the gate, and I have to really figure out what to do next. Enough chit chat now-back to work! |
from wilberteets : |
Dear Proofie: Please give my apologies to your noble nose. ~Teets |
from proofrok : |
To: Teetsy From: Proofie Re: Emergency Love You've got to quit making me shoot coffee out of my nose. It hurts. Thanks, The Rok. |
from waycoolmama : |
About the twin/teeth connection.... I never put the two together. DOH! See.. they sucked the smart right out of me too. Thanks for the note. :o) |
from waycoolmama : |
Hey, I found you on a search for local diaries. I read the latest entry and then I read them all. It's great! Just wanted to let you know. (I'm sure you can probably find naughty-Tarzan on ebay if you really wanted to.) :) |
from dalyrical1 : |
ya teets-the deal breaker list is definitly coming into play...i don't know why i attract such wackos...then again...don't they say like calls to like? hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....i have to go and think about that now! lol take it easy read ya soon! |
from ghanima : |
Thank you for the comment--I also have a connection to Persephone--the entry came about because for years my diary was called Persephone Unbound. I changed the name and felt the need to purge her. But thank you. |
from peggyhill : |
This is your sister, Teets. The "floggin' doll" was Tarzan...and not only did he appear to beat off feverishly, but he also yelled the entire time. That's high comedy, man. |
from wilberteets : |
I think diaryland fiends are the best fiends of all. |
from proofrok : |
Can I be your FIEND? *snickers* give good banner. (does that qualify as a sick and disgusting comment?) |
from proofrok : |
Yeah...I've often wished mania could be ordered up on occasions when it would be useful. More often than not it isn't. And the kicker is I usually feel too good to think I'm manic. Right now I think I'm a bit hypomanic (I have periods of rapid cycling,) but if it got worse I would stop having that much self-awareness. That's why we take the good drugs. (Royal we. Grandiosity joke.) |
from iluvtunes : |
After Tomahawk, try Fantomas...and if you have ANY hip-hop flavor in you at all, try Lovage.(both are Patton projects)And you're right, he IS real fucking easy on the eyes! I, personally, would even go so far as to say that he is the hottest guy on the face of the planet...and maybe even on Mars, too! But, of course, I am utterly obsessed with the man!!! Rock on....Christina---p.s-read my diary entry titled:"How we Eat our Young" by, Mike Patton....Amazing Stuff!!! |
from kate-rock : |
I really think you are uber funny...I love your redneck family ritual entry I have a simular family as well....I have an uncle that will dress as Capt.America...yes in tights and he does a spectacular and dangerous show. Stop by my diary sometime drop me a line...keep up the good work kiddo! |
from dalyrical1 : |
your diary is funny as hell....the south park entry had me dying!! hope you don't mind...but im adding you to my list so i can come back!! |
from proofrok : |
Always at your disposal, madamoiselle. The pleasure is truly mine. I laughed out loud at today's (7/5/03) entry. |
from nimrod86 : |
hey your diary made me laugh... i'm adding you to my buddie list, because i want to be part of the action. ok, i'll stop with the creepiness now. ta ta. |
from cookie-bitch : |
Hey..what are you waiting for, get the g-book already, so I can tell you some more, how much fun I had reading you ! |
from proofrok : |
Damn y'all's gots a funny diary there. I added you to my favorites. Thanks for the ticklement of the funny-boneage. |
from iluvtunes : |
Since you like Chevelle, you should try listening to Mike Patton's band: Tomahawk. What can I say? I'm a "Patton Pusher"! Rock on....Christina |
from orange-cloud : |
hello. i've decided you are very cool and i agree with your views on your need to explain why you have trent where you have him. very cool. |
from hippiesoul : |
awesome diary. Who is the Trent guy, anyway? Do you know him? Well, he's hot. Later, ~Eleanor~ |
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