messages to with-child:
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from alicesbaby :
THIRTY-FIVE WEEKS already?!?! Wow, that has just zipped by! I hope she comes in 3 weeks for you (that's so soon!). I always love your updates, even if it has been a while. Glad to hear everything is going well (and I love her name!). xxx
from alicesbaby :
Congrats on another sweet baby girl!!! I'm so excited for you! I love your name choices, all of them, but my favourite is Julia. Would you call a Josephine, Josie? We had Josie on our shortlist a couple of times. I love Faith for a middle name too. I am basically having my fourth boy, so I will happily ramble for hours about girlie stuff and girl names in your notes, haha! ;) So sweet that Evie was excited and picked out books, etc. Aw. I can't believe you're halfway there!
from arthursmummy :
A-ha! Did you have the cheese thing with Evie, too? Because if not, I say it's a boy! I lived on cheese (notably cottage cheese, but also other types) for basically the entire duration of my morning sickness - at least the whole first trimester, with all my pregnancies, and 3 boys for me! :) I hope you get the spring back in your step soon. Try not to feel toooo guilty about the whole parenting thing. It's just a season, and the benefits for Evie of you growing a baby brother or sister for her FAAAR outweigh a few weeks of junk food and TV. *hugs*
from ebombmom :
Congratulations! It's so great to have an update from you, finally, and what a wonderful one. :)
from alicesbaby :
Yippeeeeeee!!!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you, especially after your long wait! :)
from aisling2005 :
aww your crazy big girl :) i want to see pictures ! any more talk of another ???
from ebombmom :
yeah, hit up a thrift store for the silks. you'll find tons of funky printed ladies scarves, for supa cheap. then just wash the heck out of them first! :) I want Evie pictures, dammit.
from aisling2005 :
dollar stores have scarves sometimes. we gota bunch there plus got some play silks via co-ops. i just ordered 8 that we have to dye. it was ... a lot. for the 8. average $3 each. but thats all im gonna buy! LOL
from coreyflood89 :
Happy birthday, Evie and Mama! Miss you! Post more!
from momma-at-17 :
She sounds so cute. Do you guys teach her to sign for "fun" or for other reasons? I've been reading for awhile but obviously not enough.
from hertinyhands :
I read your entire diary this weekend. Being pregnant again makes me a little goofy... reading other people's pregnancy journals and such. I enjoyed yours so much I added you to my favorites. What exactly do you do at the hospital? Are you a doctor, a nurse, or something else? I'd love to see pictures of your baby if you have a link. Take care, and thanks for writing such a fun journal to read.
from linneabear :
My mom practices under her maiden name and so she could get away with writing scripts for us without anyone noticing. LOL.
from linneabear :
We miss you! Great to see an update!
from juicemom :
awww such a big girl!! You should post some pics over at the GC group. We miss your posts over there. Julianna is 7 months as of the 2nd. She is 20 pounds but long so we are still in the 6-9 months clothes but coming close to the 9-12 months clothes. They are growing up WAY too fast!!! Take Care!!
from coreyflood89 :
i was wondering where you were... glad you are ok and everything is going better. :) hugs
from neishia :
from alicesbaby :
Oh Katie :( I just wanted to send hugs. And I will pray. It feels awful to read how hard things are and not be able to DO anything. So I will pray. xx
from my2monkeys :
Hi Katie. I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am for what you are going through. I COMPLETELY understand how you are feeling. I went back to work when Grace was 8 weeks old, and it was truly the hardest thing I have ever done. I have never cried so much in all my life. I am so sorry you are having to go through that, too. My prayers are with you.
from my2monkeys :
By the way, I'm due January 21st, very close to when you are due! My daughter is 27 months old. Just thought I'd give you that info.
from my2monkeys :
Hi! I am a mother expecting my second child, and I just wanted to leave you a note regarding your latest entry. First of all, don't worry so much about the breastfeeding. Chances are you will be able to breastfeed just fine. You just need to find some good support because I really think that is the most important thing. I breastfed my first one for a year, and it was difficult getting established in the beginning, so support from my mom and MIL was very important during that time. As for unmedicated childbirth, have you considered using the Bradley method? I had to have an emergency C-section with my first (she inhaled meconium and was in major distress), but I'm planning on having a VBAC this time and would like to have unmedicated childbirth. I read a book by Susan McCutcheon called Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way. It was excellent and I highly recommend it. Hope this helps. Feel free to leave me a note in my diary if you have any questions or would like to discuss further.
from coreyflood89 :
Post the belly picture already, Katie. I wanna SEE it! lol
from decemberrose :
awww Congratulations Katie!! I'm so happy for you!
from neishia :
AWWW! YAY!!! email email! [email protected] I'm so happy for you!
from alicesbaby :
Yaaaaay, I am so relieved that you told us, like, sooooo relieved that I wanted to cry when I read your update!! Hehe! Plllease send me pictures ([email protected]). I can't BELIEVE you're having a girl, wow!! Man she must have been a fast sperm for a girlie one! She's gonna be an athlete for sure ;) Yay, a little girl! :)
from coreyflood89 :
AWWWWWW! I'm SO excited for you! And see, I was RIGHT when I said girl! Of course then I changed my mind later and said boy, so who knows. Heh. Aw, but yes, I'd love to see her!
from monkeymia :
NO WAY! A girl!!! I totally thought you were having a little boy. Awww. Name her Mia. And also email me that pictures. I am so happy for you! You are lucky. Girls are fun. (Although I'd have said the exact same thing if it was a boy. They rock, too.)
from mamaness :
Hey girlie email those pictures ! I wanna see katies beautiful baby
from decemberrose :
oh, btw, this is mir. I don't remember if you knew me when I was decemberrose lol
from decemberrose :
You're mean >:( *sniff*
from mamaness :
aww come on I want to help with uhm name suggestions ; ) You can call & tell me. LOL. I'm desperate to find out, heh.
from coreyflood89 :
UN.FAIR. Hey. Tell me and I'll send you FUDGE for Christmas and my fudge is the best.
from monkeymia :
I'll tell you if you tell me. :) Come on, don't be a Mia. Mia is frustrating. But I think it's a boy. Am I right? Also, sure seven pounds is enough. Whatever you've gained is enough, isn't it? Numbers don't matter. I didn't gain even seven by that point in my pregnancy but it still evened out okay and I'm going to have a 46 pound baby in four or five weeks.
from neishia :
PLEASE!?! Pretty PLEASE? With sugar on top? or whatever you're currently craving!?!?
from alicesbaby :
Please (I beg you!) do not do a Mia, because I don't think I can take that for another 22 weeks!! I was just thinking how, yay, only 2 weeks (ish) till wondering about somebody's baby gender stops doing my head in!! Please please say you're just toying with us for one entry?!?!?! I can't wait to know. This is probably at least as torturous as tickling. At least.
from coreyflood89 :
HELLO??? And the gender is....? lol I NEED to know. I cannot HANDLE any more of these baby-gender-secrets. TELL meeeee, please? LOL
from alicesbaby :
Hope the ultrasound goes well! I can't wait to read your update later! I couldn't leave a comment either, it said you weren't a gold member anymore (poor you!)
from mamaness :
Relax! Enjoy your ultrasound. (I tried to leave a comment, but it told me I couldn't)

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