messages to wolfi3:
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from wolfi3 :
hey all and thanx for all your kind comments :)
from off-trac :
Hi there. Not many of us Brits on diaryland, so I thought I would say Hello! Hope you get your job!
from mymemry :
Hi there. I just happened to click on your banner out of curiosity and stayed a bit longer than planned. Enjoyed myself but must get back to sleep (4:30 am here - my infant son woke up and was having a hard time getting back to sad) Anyway, lovely pictures. Take care. Julie
from popeholden2 :
wow, i love fighting with sticks. i used to do it a lot with my friends in the neighborhood, and now i've revived the habit with a friend i've got now. wonderfull!
from wolfi3 :
I'm always changing - so you'll prob see alot more diff layouts lol
from kawaii-pay :
^^ Lol. Thanks. I didn't make the layout o.o as much as I am trying to get a graphic program to help me to. X_x Neway, sure ^^ Go ahead and add me. I love your blog's layout. o.o It's so creatureness. : D
from wolfi3 :
Thanks hun - that means alot cus i work really hard on my layouts :)
from candoor :
so very weird... I routinely browse random diaries and read and leave messages and sometimes I step away for a day or few with a dozen or more windows open before actually reading and leaving a note or whatever and when I did that here, everything changed (your layout timing)... I also think I misread your date as you entry was dated on my birthday until I realized I might have been probably reading the month and date in reverse... for what it's worth, that's my experience here and besides all that, I liked your designs and hope life is not too weird for you :)

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