messages to yellowpetal:
(click here to add new message):

from catluck23 :
Your welcome, I thought your survey was cute. I like your layout, its cool. ;)
from pikachumon :
You're welcome. Yea American History X is a great movie. It's been my fav movie for about a year now. It's so cool. Hey I saw your website. Cool Bella Thandie website
from fallredapple :
i read a bit of your diary after getting your note (not that many ppl leave thank you notes after i take their surveys) and i liked it. i also liked the pics of you and you family, old pics are great :) so funny when you see how people have changed and the clothes we wore. anyway...if i fall in love - cuz i *have* loved, and do love - i will let you know. sort of hard to explain why i said i wasn't sure is all. anyway, i hope you have a great day :)
from celticfroggy :
Yeah! Glad you liked the template and are using it! Love Degrassi too as any good Canadian girl would. Changed my template today as well.
from celticfroggy :
Know you love Degrassi so thought you might like this template.
from globe :
Would you like more visitors? Come check out Globe Listings! Thank you.
from deepxxviolet :
i love the whole template, and you're so down to the point. pretty savvy, you rock! :)
from mptkicks :
Thanks for the note and the support. I'm going through some stuff right now and I don't think I want to write about it (a divorce) -- it will only piss off someone else. I'm thinking of locking up the diary - I don't know. I'm also really concerned about some of the stuff you're writing in your journal and would like to tell you about my and my friends' experiences with the mental health profession, if you are up for it. I'd just rather not do it so publicly. Anyway, if you want to, email me at [email protected]. Regardless, thanks for your words, and hang in there. :) K.
from mptkicks :
Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry to read what I did in the latest. :(
from celticfroggy :
Glad you like my new layout! And it's good to be reading your diary again!
from rainbow888 :
Hey sweet. Like the diary. Well, I really like people who thank people for doin surveys. It's so thoughtful. Love *Rianna* x x x
from leonmcphelps :
You are toatally wrong. That guy is a troll. I am "The Leon", how could you deny that ?
from mptkicks :
Thanks for adding me. I appreciate it. I'll start reading once I get my shit together. Thanks again.
from hisendgame :
No problem at all, the survey was fun, look forward to more, cures for boredom are welcome.
from celticfroggy :
I love your new layout! I feel I could fly!! Love it!
from rainy-daze- :
I joined the Sade diaryring. xxx
from lifew0ntwait :
hey no problem. it was a cool survey.
from celticfroggy :
Hey! I just tried to read your journal and there is a password!! HELP!
from ashleezzmind :
hey thanks...yes i do enjoy is a part of my jk..but no just a joke me and my friends have going around..i do like spam and enjoy eating it...maybe because all i was evcer fed was bologna so now i like spam..kinda a relief again..
from dreamer2003 :
No problem! It was a great survey, by the way. =D
from good-girl-11 :
Hey!Thanx for leaving me a message!See ya! -H.
from psparkleg :
Yeah sure, no problem. I really liked the survey, I'm planning on taking your other one.
from seanandjacob :
Yeah but what was the message? Looks like I'll never know now. Thanks - Sean
from onlypinkstar :
no problem... i was glad to fill ur survery out!!!
from stwig :
Thank you for filling out my survey. I appreciate it. Take Care.

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