Wise Madness

First off I hate writing profiles. I never know what to write. OK let's try this. I was born in 1957 the same year as the space age. I describe myself as a hippie nerd. I'm an adjunct at NYIT where I teach math. Every math test has a Moxy Fr�vous question on it.

My favorite diaries:

Goovie profile - diary
comments: My Beloved Brain who made me make the Diary and the Profile
athena98122 profile - diary
comments: Jaci who is far cooler and smarter than she thinks.
sillyshelly profile - diary
comments: My Queen
lilacgirl profile - diary
comments: My Favourite.
benderl profile - diary
comments: My beloved, beatific, batnosed embryo.
zaph profile - diary
comments: I worship him as a God and that's zaph not Zaph.
inthemiddle profile - diary
comments: She'd get upset if I said what I want to say
jakeblues profile - diary
comments: Winner of over 1,000,000,Gordonpoints for making Carey happy
fruslug profile - diary
comments: Joyous Joy: For some reason she really likes me.
RobinKat profile - diary
comments: Yay she is letting me list her now!! She's one of the best.
Katz2001 profile - diary
comments: The Definition of Adorable
Veronikaber profile - diary
comments: A Eurofr�head of reknown
glitterfaery profile - diary
comments: The Wonderful Lori, Queen of Camp Fr�vous
Renita profile - diary
comments: *Swoon*
JKPolka profile - diary
comments: Queen of the Trivia Email
Trasked profile - diary
comments: Leah's Friend from across the Pond
oddgoogle profile - diary
mocksie profile - diary
comments: The Esteemable Shannon
smegheads profile - diary
comments: A place to complain about the annoying people who cross your path
x-tara profile - diary
comments: the first person I didn't know before hand to list me as a favorite.
aradia13 profile - diary
comments: Queen of Mariposa Land
throcky profile - diary
comments: She lists me as a favorite and we have lots in common
tulsa profile - diary
comments: He's a Hedwig fan; need I say more?
potassium profile - diary
comments: She likes Tolkien and the Princess Bride!
oggydoggy profile - diary
comments: Anyone who like LOTR and the Amazing Randi is OK in my book.
moteq profile - diary
comments: Wow someone who actually lives in New Y ork? How did it take me so long to meet her?
mischler profile - diary
comments: He keeps wanting to push me down hills. Why am I listing him again?
wackypenguin profile - diary
comments: She actually thinks its a good thing to be a batnose.
choucroute profile - diary
comments: Nitsa. I need at least one Quebecer here for balance.
saphiracat profile - diary
comments: Leah's oldest friend. OK I'm actually older. You know what I mean.
eri-berry profile - diary
comments: Red Molly
scaryemilie profile - diary
comments: She claims to be the only British Fruhead. What about [email protected]?
notajazzsnob profile - diary
comments: Lisa who has amazing good taste
nearlynormal profile - diary
comments: Don't believe her, she's much cooler than normal
fruzcool profile - diary
comments: One of the original Beauties on the Wall
feazle profile - diary
comments: She's fun

My favorite music:

Moxy Fr�vous
comments: I drive to Toronto in February to see them. Need I say more?
Christine Lavin
comments: She's funny, clever, moving, and the sweetest thing on two legs. I'm an official Sensitive New Age Guy
Ruth Gerson.
comments: A brilliant singer/songwriter and my friend.
Richard Thompson
comments: I just call him God.
Slaid Cleaves
comments: His sideman Oliver is better than 99% of the so called stars.

My favorite movies:

Citizen Kane
Stairway to Heaven
Dr Strangelove

My favorite authors:

James Branch Cabell
comments: I inflict Jurgen on everyone I know. He might not know the answers but he is the only author who knows the questions.
J.R.R. Tolkien
comments: I've read Lord of the Rings over 50 times.
Fyodor Doestoyevsky
comments: I identify with the Idiot
Charles Dickens
comments: Isn't Sydney Carten based on me?
Terry Pratchett
comments: I had to know H.P. Lovecraft off my list to fit him here. I think he writes his books just for me.

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last updated: 2018-06-03 23:37:59
this user's total entries: 5630
user since: 2000-11-07

AOL IM name: Gordonlew
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