I feel so naked without my clothes

Oooh lookie...I added you. Each new entry that you create is like a birthday present...only it's not and that makes me sad...but happy...but sad.

When I add you to my list...I am also giving you all of my readers. Like "the clap" only without the cool stigma...and limited intercourse.

No, Rhidundant, couldnt possibly be my real name. Feel free to call me Rhi. Granted, my parents and friends dont call me Rhi...but then it wouldnt be wise of you to tell you my real name, now would it?

I also enjoy being called pussycat, shmoopie, sugar-lips and Goddess of Chocolate and New Shoes.

Now go read my stuff...it is not as good as porn but it's better than Dr. Phil.

My favorite diaries:

porktornado profile - diary
comments: Im like Pavlov when I get the email alert that he has added an entry
god-of-whine profile - diary
comments: The problem with this is that the ancient inventor, God, came up with a similar invention� the Scrotum. He is sueing for the rights�
xeran profile - diary
comments: just because I said so...
ramblin-bill profile - diary
comments: As I told him the other night when he woke up sobbing "Welcome to life, you little bastard!" and then I kicked him out of my apartment.
lisarookie profile - diary
comments: great story teller!
rickscafe profile - diary
comments: mmmm secret crushes
gumphood profile - diary
comments: a wise man once spoke of toiletpaper with flair
xquzme profile - diary
comments: so enthusiastic and I wanna pinch her cheeks but have NO idea why...I have issues
juddhole profile - diary
comments: Always witty and well written. Everyone has him on their list. I finallycaved and added him AND bought the sparkly watermelon colored shirt. You just can't fight good things.
webmiztris profile - diary
comments: Freaking hysterical, within stalking distance AND a daily haiku!!!!!!
bigpimpinmba profile - diary
comments: funny and real...as opposed to animatronic, ya know
purplecigar profile - diary
comments: ....(will fill in soon...have to pee right now)

My favorite music:

The Samples
comments: Can Sean Kelly make me weep with his voice? Resounding yes
Deepthroat 2 soundtrack
comments: Oh its great to clean the house while listening to this fine symphony
Damien Rice
comments: Haunting and Brilliant.
Turin Brakes
comments: Two cuties making music. how good is that?
Jane Monheit
comments: gorgeous woman. gorgeous voice

My favorite movies:

Meet the Parents
comments: I have nipples...can you milk me Greg?
Office Space
comments: my love for Peter Gibbons is unwavering
comments: Sundance film festival...David Arquette....*sigh*
comments: not yet a movie but damn well should be....full frontal soon to come!

My favorite authors:

John Irving
comments: Human sexuality makes farcical our most serious intentions
Dan Brown
comments: Makes Art History sexy..
Gregory Maguire
comments: Who knew I still loved fairytales?
Phillipa Gregory
comments: Wideacre, The Other Boleyn Girl...I love the historical fiction

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last updated: 2005-09-16 11:28:10
this user's total entries: 75
user since: 2004-07-08

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Yahoo Messenger name: rhi411
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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