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I am a black white chinese asian russian jew. This is my diary. You think you know, but you have no idea.

My favorite diaries:

aint-nothin profile - diary
comments: my whore
ozmodiar profile - diary
atinyperson profile - diary
comments: rock on
becca737 profile - diary
comments: she got taste
swankfuckin profile - diary
comments: rock the fuck on
slimnette profile - diary
comments: do you like hamburgers with cheese. i guess that would make it a cheeseburger
orchidprint profile - diary
comments: readable in readable way
fuckmyname profile - diary
comments: fuckeverythang
starlight99 profile - diary
comments: HAHA
jofetish profile - diary
comments: cause i ken
itsmeannad profile - diary
comments: diary used to be called "its me anna double d" until the operation. but theres still enough for me to work with
lauren-f profile - diary
comments: i figured it out
common-tegus profile - diary
comments: i want to touch you, as long as you dont want me to touch you
twelvebeer profile - diary
tvzero profile - diary
comments: good fucking diary.
songaday profile - diary
comments: taste
insanegerbil profile - diary
comments: i love people that love me, they rule, and i love them back
girlsmad profile - diary
comments: lemon extract
fuck-that profile - diary
comments: fuck
absolutpink profile - diary
comments: you have such nice hair

My favorite music:

Led Zeppelin
comments: what has not been said, fuck you emo people
Pink Floyd
comments: Fuck you punk rock want to be kids
comments: Fuck both emo and punk stupidity
comments: What better music to smoke some weed to, drink a few beers, and get laid to
Nine inch Nails
comments: Im waiting to hear the comment "you dont get laid" even tho i called it, i will hear it

My favorite movies:

Waking Life
Boondock Saints
Pulp Fiction
True Romance
The Big Kahuna

My favorite authors:

William Burroughs
Tom Wolfe
Neal Cassady

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last updated: 2009-12-28 20:55:05
this user's total entries: 146
user since: 2003-01-31

AOL IM name: AiDpatient
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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