Enchant Me

My favorite diaries:

ldegoth profile - diary
comments: i'm trying to get to the point in my life where i can sleep when the wind blows
kitchenwitch profile - diary
comments: I don't like surprises.I often read the end of a book before the beginning. Yup, I do.
thehour profile - diary
comments: apparently he slowly opened the door, stuck his hand in and unlatched the chain. well... i definitely feel nice and secure now that i know he can do that. which means everyone can do that.
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: Sometimes DiaryLand is just a dirty big great ugly whiny amoral lying toadcreep
enchanted-be profile - diary
comments: Shannon gave me her review site, so go there if you want reviewed
enchantedds profile - diary
comments: My Design Diary, Its still very new, started on 9- 5-03
tou-mou profile - diary
comments: perhaps i have a hankering to be four inches tall with a gracefully torn green tunic and glittery wings.
oceans-depth profile - diary
comments: amazing writing
cielamara profile - diary
comments: Her kisses would be nebulas, her tears black holes, her breasts and thighs and feet galaxies
incantata profile - diary
comments: cielamara's writing, its really good so check it out
datura93 profile - diary
comments: She just wonderful
occoquan1 profile - diary
comments: Salem
wordsofmine profile - diary
rattie-pooh profile - diary
comments: another rat lover
elnara profile - diary
musesrealm profile - diary
x-mickie-x profile - diary
sarahsundae profile - diary
angeleyescia profile - diary
gothique profile - diary
comments: I have found her again!
thaichic profile - diary
sionainne profile - diary
dunkin86 profile - diary
pgn-mystique profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: My favorite band
comments: Amazing music and with a amazingly beautiful singer
Savage Garden
comments: Do I need to say anything?
comments: Love him
comments: Possibly the best band to ever exist

My favorite movies:

Interview with the Vampire
comments: Im way to obsessed with this movie and book
The Crow
comments: one of the best movies ever made (in my opinion)
Boys Dont Cry
comments: One of the rare movies that made me cry
Lord of the Rings
comments: I dont think I need to say anything
American Beauty
comments: Loved it

My favorite authors:

Anne Rice
comments: you could just fall in love with her characters
Stephen King

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last updated: 2007-01-09 07:43:53
this user's total entries: 787
user since: 2002-01-22

AOL IM name: gloominousxdoom
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: xoxsinnocencexox
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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