I am back.

25. married. christian. singer. medical practice coordinator. best friend. skeech-face. dog-lover. asparagus lover. church attendee. morning bible reader. morning prayer user. cute boy addictee. myspace traitor. facebook lover. sudoku winner. frog lover. sindarin learner. weight loser. shy. outrageously sarcastic. humble. spastically violent. swimmer. beacher. tanner. hazard. nelle. sends up prayer. knows God's grace. forgiven.

My favorite diaries:

pippinsgirl profile - diary
smeagol123 profile - diary
evenstar101 profile - diary
eowyn86 profile - diary
onlygrace profile - diary
eowynne profile - diary
laiquendi27 profile - diary
dylanwashere profile - diary
talktogod profile - diary
comments: "Eggs are a symbol of new life. Kind of like cocoons, but who wants to hunt "Easter cocoons??" Yuck."

My favorite music:

Josh Groban
comments: Song: Alla Luce Del Sole = Album: Josh Groban
Michael Buble
comments: Song: Home = Album: It's Time
Michael W. Smith
comments: Song: Know Your Name = Album: Live The Life
Michael Buble
comments: Song: That's All = Album: Michael Buble

My favorite movies:

LOtR - all 3
comments: "You bow to no one." Frodo's smile at the end kills me every time.
The Notebook
comments: "Read this and I'll come back to you"
Lilo and Stitch
comments: the blender scene...that's all i'm saying.
Josh Groban Live at the Greek
comments: "i'm feeling goofy!"

My favorite authors:

comments: the author to end all authors! (and begin them, of course...)
JRR Tolkien
comments: ah, the man who created Middle Earth
comments: so he uses big words, but great stories! I suggest you read "Out of the Silent Planet" !!!

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last updated: 2009-08-29 16:07:19
this user's total entries: 502
user since: 2002-11-07

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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