non, je ne regrette rien.

email me--> yawen @

My favorite diaries:

kae profile - diary
comments: You Midnight Wanderer person! Ooh, old memories in the faraway OD land. The only person in the whole world thats linked my THREE diaries :)
merilily profile - diary
comments: She's welcomed me into the land of Diaryland with happy thoughts. Another person my age wandering around.
fire-taylor profile - diary
fungal-nail profile - diary
comments: Its you that have got me into DiaryLand, do you know that? Remember those crazy days being so unsatisfied with layouts? Ahh..those days.
heartbox profile - diary
comments: She is a great great great writer.. and she actually takes the time to read mine..Yet another person my age :)
tabin profile - diary
chaney profile - diary
comments: Oooh, he's such a terrific writer.. and go check out his design
andrew profile - diary
kativy profile - diary
fatal-error profile - diary
glaze profile - diary
comments: heh, I know, my own. how pompous :)
among-thorns profile - diary
comments: whoa
ginchiest profile - diary
comments: I was the first rewarded.. the "ginchiest" award. Wow, I am ginchy.. I'm so proud.
airports profile - diary
fungus profile - diary
twiggle profile - diary

My favorite music:

belle & sebastian
the clientele

My favorite movies:

girl, interrupted
comments: I am following my future home of insanity
life is beautiful
comments: (wonder where the words came from?)
requiem for a dream
comments: hmm
10 things I hate about you
comments: Bianca's poem.."I hate the way you..." (cries)
cruel intentions
comments: It's cruel intentions!! Mmm, Ryan.

My favorite authors:

Sylvia Plath
Janet Fitch
Francesca Lia Block

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last updated: 2013-03-19 12:52:55
this user's total entries: 220
user since: 2000-07-17

AOL IM name: kaelyca
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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