American Angst

Hi. I'm Jen, though my nickname has become Gracie...'cuz I'm a total klutz.

To squelch the apparent curiosity over the name of my diary (Herkinerf), I'll let y'all in on the history: my father finds it impossible not to assign nicknames to everyone he loves. My sister, whose name is Elizabeth, is called "Goose", my brother Ryan is "Snake" (we don't know why and I, for one, would prefer NOT to,) my mother's name is Judy, and he calls her Juicy. Live in my example, do not EVEN ponder that one. Gross, I know.

I, oh lucky, lucky me, have the most dumbass collection of names. To wit: Wadoo, Stinkpot, Motormouth, wiggleworm, Jennifart, and, finally, Jerkinerf, which somehow evolved into Herkinerf. Again, I don't know why. and with my father, it's best sometimes to let these things go.

Moving on, I'm a 35 year-old female from Atlanta. I'm an engineer for an I.T. company and I LOVE my job. I got married 3 years ago to the male version of myself. We got married in Las Vegas. By Elvis. It was tacky. It was wildly hilarious. It was broadcast on the Internet. Our parents were mortified. We were giddy. Afterwards, however, everyone who attended (about 30 people ended up following us out there) said it was the most fun they've ever had. And we couldn't agree more. If you've never been...go. If you're getting married, forget the dress, chuck the stress and head to Vegas!!

I have a 15 year old child, 2 cats and 2 dogs. No, I do not, in fact, view my child as a pet - however - if he doesn't stop leaving as many messes as my dogs, he may just get lumped into that category.

I love people - I hate people. I love to hate people. Enjoy my diary.

My favorite diaries:

porktornado profile - diary
comments: VERY funny man. He mentioned Stone Mountain, so I'm assuming he's from 'round mah neck o' tha woods. Go read him. Read him now.
smoog profile - diary
comments: Banner click - politically incorrect in this day & age of overly-sensitive cry babies. I love her diary.

My favorite music:

Yo-Yo Ma
comments: Sublime
comments: Fade to Black. Enuff' said
Anything 70s
comments: I have an absolute, undying love for 70s music. Don't ask why. We don't know.
Norah Jones
comments: Haunting piano and lyrics. I love her.
Tenacious D
comments: 'Wonderboy' makes me warm inside. And then I giggle

My favorite movies:

Waiting for Guffman
comments: I heart Christopher Guest. Comedic Genius.
Best in Show
comments: More Christopher Guest. Also, Parker Posey is damned funny.
comments: Mystery Science Theater is my Saturday Morning hobby.
comments: Hokey, Yes I know. But I absolutely love the message in this movie
comments: Absolutely fantastic. By the same person that wrote Being John Malkovich.

My favorite authors:

Mil Millington
comments: Things my girlfriend & I have argued about. Very, very funny
Dave Eggers
comments: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius is, by far, the best book I've ever read. I'm pissed that I didn't write it, and terribly frightened that someone else out there thinks JUST like I do
James Lileks
comments: The Gallery of Regrettable Food. Snorting good book.

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last updated: 2006-01-08 21:34:57
this user's total entries: 73
user since: 2002-05-17

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