joyful venturing

I was born (1968) and still live in San Francisco. I share my exact birthdate with Lucy Lawless. Zuzu says I was born out of Zeus' head.

I am Aries with Libra rising, Aries moon, Venus and Mercury in Pisces

I believe that we create our own reality (all of it)

My favorite authors are Jane Roberts/Seth, John Steinbeck, J.D. Salinger, Rumi, Gertrude Stein, Alice Walker, Gloria Steinem, Studs Terkel, Maya Angelou, Celeste West, Elsa Gidlow, Woody Allan, Susie Bright. Jean Sirius.

My favorite diaries:

zuzus-petals profile - diary
comments: she oughta be a nature photographer, but does she listen to me?

My favorite music:

comments: I went to see them as my first concert when I was 12
Joni Mitchell. Ani di Franco
John Lennon
Cat Stevens
Ferron.Holly Near. Laura Nyro. Kate Wolf.

My favorite movies:

Harold and Maude
comments: Beware of your favorite movie, it just might become your life....*All of it*

My favorite authors:

John Steinbeck
comments: Since I was ten. I feel very strongly that I must have lived in CA during the time he writes about.
Jane Roberts/Seth
comments: the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but try it for yourselves
Gertrude Stein
comments: Unsung genius.
J.D. Salinger
comments: His characters are my soulmates. My first acceptable, comprehensive introduction to spirituality as a teenager.
Alice Walker
comments: 'Temple of my Familiar' is an excellent example of channelled "fiction"

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last updated: 2007-04-23 14:52:06
this user's total entries: 197
user since: 2001-07-02

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