
My favorite diaries:

My favorite music:

comments: "you gotta live cuz life goes on.it's how i give and I'm still giving"
Marilyn Manson
comments: "when you hate it, you know you can feel.when you love you know its not real"
Xiu Xiu
comments: "I can't wait to watch you turn from good to bad"
The sneaker Pimps
comments: "if you can't live on love alone it isn't love"
the beatles
comments: "its a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder"

My favorite movies:

Suicide Club
comments: the movie starts with 50 japanese chicks lined up on a subway platform.They hold hands,count to three,and then jump. And that's not even telling you the movie.so go see it.it's a fuckin mind trip.
S.L.C. Punk
comments: other movies like this one: Girl, Spun, Nowhere, Go, Doom Generation, Can't hardly wait
comments: love it.the script is linked in my diary.see also:the death parade.jawbreaker.hedwig and the angry inch.party monster.igby goes down.saved.manic.
Valley of the Dolls
comments: lends elements to these movies: die mommy die, austin powers trio, caberet, the sound of music, the magdaline sisters, chicago
comments: Highly recommended: scarface, carlitos way, casino, the big hit, snake eyes, godfather trio.

My favorite authors:

Marya Hornbacher
comments: Wasted. "I could never quite explain to people that,in addition to all the other more obvious factors,I also just wanted to see what would happen"
Chris Van Allsburg
comments: Jumangi. "why go back?"one asked the other."This place may not feel like home,but look at all these crystals"
Elizabeth Wurtzel
comments: More, now, Again. "I don't much like my life,but for some dumb reason,I want to be alive because sooner or later,I figure it will work out"
James St. James
comments: Party Monster. "So we wait, and we endure, and someday we will be there and we will make it."
Friedrich Nietzsche
comments: The man and his philosophy "The thought of suicide is a great consolation"

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last updated: 2021-02-18 11:12:56
this user's total entries: 2
user since: 2002-03-18

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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