my title

This profile was hopelessly out of date. I don't even really know what to say. My life is stupid, and I'm probably the stupidest girl with a PhD that you will ever meet. I'm tired of being fat, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it anymore. I lost a crapton of weight, and gained a half crapton back. I like things that are orange. I like my cats. I always like a boy named D. I have no fucking idea what I'm doing most of the time.

Most of the people on my buddy list don't updateanymore, but I keep them here in case they come back.

My favorite diaries:

sarahsundae profile - diary
amysloss profile - diary
rdhdprincess profile - diary
dietingjenn profile - diary
chubbychic profile - diary
hollysdiet profile - diary
madermouse profile - diary
fat-to-thin profile - diary
fade-intoyou profile - diary
gonzostar profile - diary
capt-jim profile - diary
ohromy profile - diary
lanebryant profile - diary
vintagegurl profile - diary
shoop43 profile - diary
marilynnv profile - diary
friedonions profile - diary
harakiri profile - diary
swirl-girl profile - diary
diva-on-a profile - diary
fatqueen profile - diary
toastcrumbs profile - diary
comments: I wish we were BFF in RL, except that I don't think the universe could handle that much chaos.
fatfree4me profile - diary
mockbirdgirl profile - diary
theswordsman profile - diary

My favorite music:

uncle bonsai
comments: yeah you've never heard of them, but they could kick your ass if they weren't so busy um, doin' other stuff
Philip Price
comments: hurrah for philip. love him.
John Wesly Harding
comments: uh huh
comments: oh yeah
bruce springsteen
comments: makes me feel funny inside

My favorite movies:

comments: im a halloweenie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the last days of disco
comments: ok i dont really like it, but there has to be a reason ive seen it *that* many times. but chloe sevigney. ick.
hudson hawk
comments: dont believe the hype
die hard

My favorite authors:

comments: ok if someone could please tell me a good book to read cuz im dying over here.

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last updated: 2012-01-11 05:48:30
this user's total entries: 615
user since: 2003-05-06

AOL IM name: ldrbean1974
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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