Hello world! I'm fat!

What's up friends? Welcome to the most randomest ever of journals in the whole friggin' world! I hope that you'll find my crazy life a good read. If not, just keep crusin' until you stumble across a gooder one. Yep, I just said, "gooder", and I'm okay with that.

I need medication and lots of it!

My favorite diaries:

chubbychic profile - diary
acneboy profile - diary
suckasspoems profile - diary
gigantor profile - diary
trendymatt profile - diary
savecraig profile - diary
mynotetoself profile - diary
joeparadox profile - diary
azswinggirl profile - diary
bethany9 profile - diary
princessreva profile - diary
trevik profile - diary
caela profile - diary
f-tard profile - diary

My favorite music:

Diana Krall
comments: Yummy times ten! Voice, Piano, Goddess!
Frank Sinatra
comments: My all time, hands down favorite! I wan to BE Frank!
Harry Connick Jr.
comments: My all time, hands down number 2! I want to BE Harry!
Sarah McLachlan
comments: Goddess of all that is good! Her music speaks to me like no other!
Jason Robert Brown
comments: Pure brillance!

My favorite movies:

Julia Roberts
comments: Seriously, anything with her in it!
comments: F U N N Y! If you've never seen it - SHAME ON YOU!
comments: Oh to be so lucky to have this around when I was a tot!
Waiting for Guffman
comments: If you've ever wondered what community theatre is like - here's all your answers!
Bring It On
comments: Cheerleaders. Enough said!

My favorite authors:

Judy Blume
comments: Otherwise Known As Shelia the Great!
Dan Brown
comments: Angels & Demons, The DaVinci Code, Digital Fortress, Deception Point

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last updated: 2005-11-09 17:11:40
this user's total entries: 364
user since: 2003-10-07

AOL IM name: jerevp
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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