'BOOM--bazooka joe'

your work speaks only to those on the same wavelength as you.

My favorite diaries:

abeft11 profile - diary
comments: do not fear being ridiculous in relation to the ridiculous.
porktornado profile - diary
comments: ' I�m currently drinking this steaming bucket of donkey snot and peeling the skin off of my penis so I can soak it in windex for an hour or so. I�ll get to it after that. There is no amount of pain that would drive me to ingest alcohol in any of its
laura-diane profile - diary
comments: i dont know her-ive only read a lil bit of her diary- but we got some things in comm
somnambulist profile - diary
comments: he's the 1st to link me which means he's a VERY smart guy. *thanks a ton*
icantread profile - diary
comments: "Assholes are assholes, asshats are asshats."
sturge profile - diary
comments: he's a drinker, he's fun.

My favorite music:

comments: rush of blood to the head*politik*such a rush*scientist*in my place
dave matthews
comments: I go through phases with Dave, cuz as much as I would love to be at every single one of his concerts and watch his silly little dances, the millions of people who "claim" to love dave ruin it for the rest of us by making it all mainstream. When
modest mouse
comments: *float on*trailer trash*tiny cities...*baby blue sedan*
tori amos
comments: *the pixies-esp. 'there goes your man'*
ben harper
comments: and bob marley-norah jones-outkast-metric-and even though I disliked her until recently, after going through a bad breakup followed by a bad rebound, I now appreciate Ani.

My favorite movies:

i am sam
sling blade
nemo and shrek
comments: yeah, i will forever be a child at heart. disney pulls me in everytime.

My favorite authors:

susan jane gilman
comments: my fave, fave book "kiss my tiara", a girls only book :)
i never remember names-
but i do remember dr. seuss
cuz ill one day be a children's author,and i like j.otto
then ill get a new eccentric pen name for myself

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last updated: 2004-07-04 01:13:35
this user's total entries: 28
user since: 2004-03-24

AOL IM name: Megynaschmegyna
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