Idle Shores

Here I am.

I'm 22, and a pharmacy student, hence the very silly user name. I also tend to type too fast, hence the horrible misspelling of the user name, which I am now doomed to carry around with me forever since after misspelling it once, I felt the need to continue to misspell - nevermind. Of course, maybe if I hadn't pointed it out, you wouldn't have noticed . . .

My favorite diaries:

alviehsu profile - diary
comments: Must be good, because I keep going back
trancejen profile - diary
comments: I love her writing!
poppyfish profile - diary
comments: Wonderful wit
mydeadcat profile - diary
comments: Makes me smile
porktornado profile - diary
comments: good for a laugh and the occasional trigger of my rant reflex
kentraine profile - diary
comments: gotta mark this so I remember to come back for more when I'm awake :)
mercy1977 profile - diary
comments: She says we might have something in common, and that intrigues me.

My favorite music:

The Beatles
comments: What, you need my comments on this? Do you live under a rock?
comments: I can't help it, I listened to Aerosmith in utero. I had no choice in the matter, I was conditioned to be an Aerosmith fan before I could hold my own head up.
Dave Matthews Band
comments: Must be Dave's voice. Some people say he can't sing. I say that sound is sexy as hell. And Boyd Tinsley's fiddle doesn't hurt things either.
comments: My boyfriend has gotten me hooked on this band, bless him. I like to listen to them at night.
comments: Don't know, I'm just on a U2 kick right now.

My favorite movies:

Lawrence of Arabia
comments: What can I say, it's a classic! Maybe it's that unforgettable soundtrack, maybe it's the intensity in Peter O'Toole's blue eyes peering out from under his ghutra, but I just can't get enough of this film.
A Live Less Ordinary
comments: I have no idea why, but I love it. Maybe it's the silliness factor. Of course, Ewen McGregor could make a film about his adventures in a paper bag, and I'd be enthralled.
Lord of the Rings
comments: I'll admit it, I watch it for Legolas. Every once in awhile, I can be such a girl!
Smoke Signals
comments: What, those are actual Indians in that movie? And they're not wearing feathers and shooting buffalo and speaking in mysterious, prophetic riddles? Are you sure you have this right?
Moulin Rouge
comments: I know, I know, Ewen McGregor again. But you have to admit, this is a pretty sweet film.

My favorite authors:

Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
comments: How could you not love this man? His writings are so absurd, until you realize how closely they resemble reality.
J.R.R. Tolkien
comments: I am currently absorbed in Mr. Jordan, but it would be sacrilege to include him and neglect the legendary Mr. Tolkien. Besides, he freakin' RULES!
Robert Jordan
comments: My daily dose of escapism - just enough to keep me sane.
Barbara Kingsolver
comments: Even when life gets completely depressing, her characters, gods forbid, have the emotional strength to survive. Emotional manipulation the way it was meant to be.
Elizabeth Peters
comments: I am completely in love with her Amelia Peabody mysteries. Perhaps not the deepest reading you'll ever find, but fun as heck and well worth the time.

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last updated: 2003-04-17 01:58:23
this user's total entries: 23
user since: 2003-02-16

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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