ashi looks north

I'm a Silicon Valley engineer looking at the Northwest longingly. I'm a Christian vegan who believes in human rights. If you're some form of human, you should be treated like any other. I like science fiction, acupuncture, tofu, people, roller coasters, chocolate, curry, bicycling...

My favorite diaries:

debbio profile - diary
comments: Debbie rules! Witness her amazing adventures. Umm.. yeah.
thechick profile - diary
comments: My kick-ass non-romantically-involved-with domestic partner :)
ademordna profile - diary
comments: A close friend, or part of my local family, depending on point of view.

My favorite music:

Mr. T Experience
comments: A poppy punk band with songs about girls. Seen them 3X or so.
Oingo Boingo
comments: Glad to have seen them once. I miss them. Very nice range.

My favorite movies:

Star Wars saga
comments: One of my first addictions.
comments: Classic anime tragedy. Very sad, and disturbing to see yourself in it.
Truman Show
comments: Really nice story, and you forget it's Jim Carey, which is nice.

My favorite authors:

Anne McCaffrey
comments: Dragons! Other neat stuff too.
Anne Rice
comments: Made vampires sexy. Exquisite detail too.
Ursula K. Le Guin
comments: I still love Left Hand of Darkness.
Alan Dean Foster
comments: Amusing, fun tales.
Stephen King
comments: Great read. Love his non-horror stuff too. Hearts in Atlantis was awesome.

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last updated: 2005-01-15 15:12:40
this user's total entries: 224
user since: 2000-10-03

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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