This Heart of Glass was Broken

fugazi..slightly altered

"i am a patient girl

i wait, i wait, i wait, i wait

my time is water

down the drain.

everybody moving

everybody moving

everybody moving

moving moving moving

please don't leave me to remain."

My favorite diaries:

willsleep profile - diary
comments: "Fall is upon me and i didn't see it coming."
these2boots profile - diary
comments: "brown haired brown eyed son of a god"...
broknhart666 profile - diary
comments: ""You are very unique, just like everyone else.""
timm666 profile - diary
comments: "A Turducken is a mixture of turkey duck and chicken in case you didnt know."
snow-fairie profile - diary
comments: "cartoons r great.."
anotherscar profile - diary
comments: "i hate people."
anonymous666 profile - diary
comments: it's locked to you...sorry....
selfbiased profile - diary
comments: "just what have i gotten myself into now?"
zefirien profile - diary
comments: "I finally really realised that I can't sing death metal songs at all. Bummer."
acornotravez profile - diary
comments: "Advice for the day: Quit the slaughter."
todeep2handl profile - diary
comments: "Now I just have to figure out why I told you all of that ..."
q-thatsme profile - diary
comments: " laying in my tub with the shower part on.. its like raining!"
eyesadrift profile - diary
comments: "i don't feel poetic. i just want to say that grill cheese and hot chocolate is best at 1:30am."
sauceninja profile - diary
comments: "women are silly creatures or maybe I'm the silly creature that surrounds myself by, that's not it."
autumn667 profile - diary
comments: a metamorphasis of sorts....

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last updated: 2005-03-30 15:04:01
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user since: 2002-08-10

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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