My Crazy Life...

I'm not your average everyday run of the mill fag! Read on, you may learn from my mistakes! In the game of life, I can honestly say I relate to Charlie Brown... with his all-unknowing smile and his comfort in failure... yet nothing gets him down.

My favorite diaries:

mrtimjangles profile - diary
comments: my first best friend in the whole world
biocal profile - diary
niebuck profile - diary
wundergurl profile - diary
ryan1814 profile - diary
castigada profile - diary
comments: Tu eres una reina! Una sabia! Una diosa! Un encanto en leer tus historietas. Gracias! GRACIAS!
railroly profile - diary
comments: The flip-side to my current life experiences. I'm really getting to like him A LOT.
ddrboy profile - diary
sooner profile - diary
comments: is Theresa real?
bluefins profile - diary
comments: YAY! Brandon got a diary!
qtnsoca profile - diary
comments: Why aren't you writing in your diary anymore, lady?

My favorite music:

Janet Jackson
comments: She's a great performer, a beautiful stage presence, an intelligent voice. Her music inspires me for the most part.
Christina Aguilera
comments: This girl can SING.
comments: Love ya baby... but stick to Spanish. If they like you, they'll LEARN it.
J Lo
comments: This girl's goin' places. Fast.

My favorite movies:

comments: You'll trip too. Check your sanity at the door.
My Best Friend's Wedding
comments: Julia Roberts is the ultimate gay man! Pure genius!
The Wedding Planner
comments: Like I said, J Lo is awesome.
Silence Of The Lambs
comments: Better than "Hannibal."
comments: Only because it's so trashy!

My favorite authors:

Kevyn Aucoin
comments: Rest in peace, you pioneering genius. You were AWESOME.
Tyra Banks
comments: Betcha never knew she wrote a book! This girl's got cojones! To publish her unretouched face shot with blemishes and heat rashes and all... AND point them out in print!

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last updated: 2020-10-06 18:29:45
this user's total entries: 120
user since: 2002-01-10

AOL IM name: ChubG76
ICQ number:
Yahoo Messenger name: balddragon4unity
MSN Messenger name: balddragon4unity

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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