A Little Jiggle in My Jello

I am a middle-aged woman who still expects that an 18 year-old version of herself will look back at her in a mirror. I have a creative soul and long for peace and solitude in my life while at the same time have 4 teenaged daughters and a complaining husband in my home...so you can see the conflict.

My favorite diaries:

Weetabix profile - diary
comments: She set me free!
Tobermory profile - diary
comments: Shoe shopper supreme
Biensoul profile - diary
comments: Beer drinker, hell-raiser, school teacher...who could ask for anything more?
la-the-sage profile - diary
comments: Too comlicated to describe yet the ultimate in coolness
EdBigHead profile - diary
comments: My ring of fire, the flames keep going higher

My favorite music:

comments: My secret identity as a beer drinker and hell raiser has been revealed!
Dixie Chicks
comments: I can't help it...their version of Landslide makes me cry everytime.
comments: I want to touch Scott Stapp's chest just once and Mark Tremonti...oof!
comments: I don't know why I like them, I just do.
John Mellancamp
comments: Indiana rebel.

My favorite movies:

Forrest Gump
comments: Classic
Don Juan DeMarco
comments: Who doesn't want a lover like that?
A Star is Born
comments: I wish I could sing like Barbra Streisand.
White Christmas
comments: The dancing and singing...what else?

My favorite authors:

Silas House
comments: The voice of the Eastern Kentucky mountains...I'm in love.
Barbara Kingsolver
comments: Great characterization of quiet but powerful women
Sue Monk Kidd
comments: All people everywhere should read The Secret Life of Bees

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last updated: 2009-10-13 18:25:55
this user's total entries: 38
user since: 2005-02-28

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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