Blue Oases

So you found me... Good job, now humour me by reading.

My favorite diaries:

Taliarant profile - diary
comments: I was brought in by her beautiful description of her wedding, I'm going to return because she intrigues me.
Roklobster profile - diary
comments: Love the TIKI layout, love the humor
aloka profile - diary
comments: Where did she go? Is she even real? Who knows. I don't! She is very interesting though.
ErgoAtlas profile - diary
comments: The man carrying the world on his shoulders. Violet Leighs husband.
Melomane profile - diary
comments: She works at a cokehouse and sleeps with Pilla, what more could you ask for?
violet-leigh profile - diary
comments: Very Interesting.

My favorite music:

Counting Crows
comments: Best sound ever
Saves the Day
comments: One band that I don't mind getting stuck in my head
comments: Summertime, and the livings easy.....
Our Lady Peace
comments: Never gets old
David Gray
comments: MmmmmMM! I love it!

My favorite movies:

Oceans 11
comments: The way they filmed this is awesome.
10 Things I hate about you
comments: another old favorite
Count of Monte Cristo
comments: I love how he fights so hard for what he thinks he needs, and in the end, realizes what he really needs is his family.
Princess Bride
comments: Ha Ha

My favorite authors:

John Marsden
comments: An Austrailian author that I loved a couple of years ago, I've out grown most of his stories, but he holds a place in my heart
Tami Hoag
comments: She keeps me on the edge, I never really could figure it out til the very end.
Iris Johansen
comments: I love her characters.

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last updated: 2004-08-16 10:51:06
this user's total entries: 116
user since: 2003-07-15

AOL IM name: Muzikjnke
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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