An autopathograpy

I don't want to hear about the tiger in the corner or the Angel of Death or the phone calls from John the Baptist. He might give me a call too. But I'm not going to pick up the phone.

My favorite diaries:

vampodrama profile - diary
comments: "I'm actually getting annoyed by the people who sulk in corners and claim to be stuff. Like dark and tormented and whatever. I don't like people claiming things about themselves in the first place."
quell profile - diary
comments: my special K, accept it or not.
bhw profile - diary
comments: barbie with wings
piilu profile - diary
comments: "Just because I rock doesn't mean I'm made of stone."
dendara profile - diary
comments: "download your mind simulate and find still just a machine imitating life..."
dektor profile - diary
comments: "Ei �htki murtud aeda. maandumist vannis. ega v�ljakukutud hammast."
fadedlight profile - diary
comments: "Are you depressed? Are you sad? Have you lost interest?" Anyone walking out of a physics class would immediately say yes to any of these questions..."
tarapa profile - diary
comments: "Instead of updating, I want to just have a big party and invite everyone. And then we can all just talk with our mouths, and not with our fingers."
agitated profile - diary
comments: "there's nothing poetically striking about "trying to commit suicide". when people see you lying in a hospital bed, they don't say 'gee, she is trying to express some deeply rooted grief that is tearing apart her delicate sou
strangelilme profile - diary
comments: "oh is always this fucked. what was i thinking?!?"
papayafruit profile - diary
comments: my long lost sister of kind :) i miss you too.
knowing profile - diary
comments: the burden of knowing
vitality profile - diary
comments: beautiful words. and lots of courage.
erase-this profile - diary
comments: but i have scaled to new heights of geekiness in my absence - DEBATE SOCIETY.
erato profile - diary
comments: some professional-sounding words.
always-late profile - diary
comments: "didn't you know how fragile people are? didn't you know? didn't you see it coming?"
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: "That Ketchup Is Not Fancy!"
luckybastard profile - diary
comments: He has a nice ass. Even nicer than the one on the picture, or so he claims.
hirondelle profile - diary
comments: and friday is her favourite day :)
luarvikgirl profile - diary
comments: the one who used to have a cat called Mr. Nilsson
vampyrasdead profile - diary
comments: a bit dramatic & acutely sad & a bit like me.
mustkass profile - diary
comments: "I've always been edge to edge and in the middle."
aplomb profile - diary
comments: "I've found Jesus. He was behind the sofa the whole time."
kaleidoscoop profile - diary
comments: "On a brighter note: the sun is shining, cherrys are sweet and chocolate ice-cream tastes the same as in my chilhood."
notsosane profile - diary
comments: in life / there are no standardized tests/ we all walk our own path
tatsutahime profile - diary
comments: ::))
agiel profile - diary
vontonni profile - diary
pornoshoes profile - diary
lucian1054 profile - diary
sliidor profile - diary
dragonsnaps profile - diary
simply-said profile - diary
oh-oh-lovely profile - diary
anagreeneyes profile - diary
unohdettuna profile - diary
minusse profile - diary
lillekerohus profile - diary

My favorite music:

Nine Inch Nails
Pink Floyd
Tori Amos

My favorite movies:

Girl, Interrupted
A Beautiful Mind
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The City Of Lost Children
P. Greenaway movies

My favorite authors:

Margaret Atwood
Sylvia Plath
Virginia Woolf
Jeanette Winterson
Mikhail Bulgakov

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last updated: 2025-01-02 10:11:30
this user's total entries: 1770
user since: 2001-11-16

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MSN Messenger name: ask me

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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