Marshmellow is better... it's stickier!

I ramble... I write shit that no one cares about but me, but yet, people keep coming back for more...

My favorite diaries:

crackbaby profile - diary
comments: There is nothing better than intelligent crack! =)
dirty-a-sid profile - diary
comments: A self proclaimed nerd.. I don't agree.
ospoon profile - diary
comments: A great friend, and an awesome writer!
littleabby profile - diary
comments: Usually happy, sometimes informative, always great! Just read!
tygerchild profile - diary
comments: Stumbled upon this one by accident and became engrossed
lapisllong profile - diary
comments: Such a beautiful diary... great entries and insight.
levontaun profile - diary
comments: Pronounced: "leave-n-town" He ain't leavin', which is good, because he's a pretty cool guy!
sushipig profile - diary
comments: I love my SushiPig.... really I do!
foursheep profile - diary
comments: This is some funny shit! And they joined crackheads, too!
valerian profile - diary
comments: I ran across this diary and fell in love with it! Go see, and fall in love, too!
limewater profile - diary
comments: Dig a little deeper...
acid-reflux profile - diary
comments: What a wonderful writer!
bum-bum-head profile - diary
comments: What colour is your bum???
japonica profile - diary
comments: Go there... be inspired
trancejen profile - diary
comments: Seriously funny... keep up with the adventures of the Evil Butt Crawling Hand!
loo-loo profile - diary
comments: One of my bestest friends... :)
vnichols profile - diary
comments: I am fascinated by the the Unsent Letters
banana3159 profile - diary
comments: The saga continues... with heartfelt emotions and some of the most beautiful writing I have ever seen
unclebob profile - diary
comments: Don't we all know and love dear Uncle Bob? Yeah... I thought so.
ara-aspasia profile - diary
comments: This is one of the best layouts I have seen... And, the writing is fantastic... you deserve a swift kick in the ass if you don't visit.
opiuminjars profile - diary
comments: I just happened upon this one... I am glad I did... it is funny and interesting!
breadsticks profile - diary
comments: Go catch a Junkie Pikachu... Hilarious!
ana4life profile - diary
comments: I relate...
lilbugg22 profile - diary
comments: An adorable layout, and an interesting read!
poked2x profile - diary
comments: Sarcasm and humor... just my style!
robot-sushi profile - diary
comments: damn cute layout
katress profile - diary
chasette profile - diary
perceptionss profile - diary
comments: Such a darling... keeper and sender of the Happy Face!
catpewk profile - diary
comments: The name says it all really
slipspace profile - diary
luvabeans profile - diary

My favorite music:

John Mayer
comments: Moving... this is pure talent
Counting Crowes
comments: Music is my life... these guys tell the story
Dave Matthews Band
comments: So insightful... always makes me do a little dance
comments: Great for those yellow mellow moods...
Sarah McLachlan
comments: When I wanna sing... this is it!

My favorite movies:

The Holy Grail
comments: "It's just a flesh wound!" I swear I have seen this movie hundreds of times... it's funnier each time!
I Am Sam
comments: I experienced every human emotion during this movie!
The Patriot
comments: Reminds me SO much of my dad!
Nightmare Before Christmas
comments: Such a strange way that I relate to this movie.
The Royal Tennenbaums
comments: So damn funny in that dark kinda way.

My favorite authors:

Sheri Reynolds
comments: Rapture of Canaan and Bitterroot Landing... I can never read these too many times.
J.K. Rowling
comments: Yes, I know they are childrens books... but I love Harry Potter anyway! So there.
Edwidge Danticat
comments: Inspiring memoirs that read like fiction. Embrace her struggles in Haiti and weep with her on her struggles in New York. Powerful!
comments: My bookshelf is FULL of it! I rarely read fiction, and what little fiction I do read must be extraordinary. But I am more at home with a reference book. I have been called a geek, but I don't give a shit!

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last updated: 2004-12-12 15:00:22
this user's total entries: 307
user since: 2001-03-23

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Yahoo Messenger name: choda_girl_69
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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