tegus (common)

Just cuz you feel it, doesn't mean it's there

My favorite diaries:

somthin profile - diary
comments: very nice pictures of battered flags. which is strangely an interest of mine i've kept under wraps.
dizzigemini profile - diary
perceptionss profile - diary
comments: "I must face the hard truth that there will always be obstacles in my way. The ones created inside my head that I can't point out to others, yet they exist but go unseen by everyone else but myself."
mel-olio profile - diary
comments: my awesomest best friend.
boardho profile - diary
comments: "you have NO IDEA what you just got yourself into"
spoothead profile - diary
comments: i have no diaryland friends. it feels like elementary school all over again.
gumphood profile - diary
comments: Don�t buy Shasta you cheap son of a bitch.
xeran profile - diary
abhorgod profile - diary
comments: likes l.f. celine. (translation: is in the know)
jaguarondice profile - diary
comments: my own at hand genius.
dempress profile - diary
devilsdealer profile - diary
miss-k2 profile - diary
comments: "They have done studies that show that the first thing men notice in a woman is her eyes and the first thing women notice about men is that they are a bunch of liars"
frail profile - diary
glass-faerie profile - diary

My favorite music:

ya know...
comments: i always want to do this. list bands i like. but there are too many. and i know i'd leave one out.

My favorite movies:

My favorite authors:

comments: same with books.

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last updated: 2004-08-17 16:24:11
this user's total entries: 547
user since: 2003-01-24

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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