days in haze and bliss.

the days is the daze and the haze is the bliss and you're all gonna fucking live like you weren't, and that will make you gods, and that will make me shit.

My favorite diaries:

servo profile - diary
comments: Under-represented genius. Represent.
lastyeargirl profile - diary
comments: She's there, don't believe the hype, she's there but she doesn't want to be.
prologue profile - diary
comments: Goddess. (Do I really need to add anything else?)
sangiovese profile - diary
comments: Can't talk about him without feeling like a fool.
talktalktalk profile - diary
comments: Tomorrow will be telling, and hopefully in the best of all ways.
daemonchild profile - diary
comments: She's a lady.
moonshine76 profile - diary
comments: My bed is cold and empty.
loastfer9 profile - diary
comments: Had every single atom of me.
cazzi profile - diary
comments: Pennsylvania turns out another nice girl.
exhaust profile - diary
comments: She had me at "fuck you."
trancejen profile - diary
comments: Kisses.
wearewu profile - diary
comments: One of the "Scrotal Hemorrhage," or better known as my best friends.
diablojesus profile - diary
comments: The other of the "Scrotal Hemorrhage."
froo profile - diary
comments: The one, the only...froo.
tater-fay profile - diary
comments: The first person I met through Diaryland in real life. Also the only thing I miss about Seattle.
folkbitch profile - diary
comments: When I was young and she was younger, we used to touch one another's naked bodies. Now, we trade barbs over online diaries. Life is fucked up.
tankgirl455 profile - diary
comments: I only wonder on stranger nights than this.
joleen profile - diary
comments: I honestly do want to know what she tastes like.
dubyah profile - diary
comments: The Pres-O-Dent.
sweetdecline profile - diary
comments: "...Like a promise, or a kiss goodbye."
tay-parker profile - diary
comments: Um, yeah. I'd totally kiss her. Totally.
vodkka profile - diary
comments: Likes Maserati. That's good enough for me.
seastreet profile - diary
comments: I wish I could say I've met him, but alas, I have not.
dielya profile - diary
comments: She listened to my radio show once upon a time and called me to tell me I was playing good music.
bejaluna profile - diary
comments: It's a beautiful moon.
pezrudi profile - diary
comments: Jason. I can't explain how we know each other; we just do.
mangofarmer profile - diary
comments: Wants me to go to Syracuse University.
dontwakemeup profile - diary
comments: Reminds me of Phil Elvrum.
labeled-girl profile - diary
comments: Writes pretty, smokes a lot, and sleeps a little.
skimming profile - diary
comments: Has me listed quite favorably in their profile; I return the favor.
theghostgirl profile - diary
comments: This has moments of beautiful anger, and a great layout.
mattferrara profile - diary
comments: He's another Jello Biafra fan. Likes the "F" word.
alternamommy profile - diary
comments: Fantastic read. Fantastic. I just wish she'd bring the "Little Prince" layout back.
carebearrave profile - diary
comments: Designed a layout for me. Was there to talk to me on lonely nights on Instant Messenger. This goes a long way for me.
panjandrum profile - diary
comments: She goes to school in Ontario. I can't explain why I enjoy reading her diary, but I do. A great deal.
starsurfer profile - diary
comments: Moo. CUTE.
adobogirl profile - diary
comments: Nette. CUTE.
susana923 profile - diary
comments: Susan. CUTE. I wanted to crawl into her bed once, but someone stopped me.
helderheid profile - diary
comments: She's got kids and a Dutchman at home. And a tattoo.
simon-lagrue profile - diary
comments: Loves metal. Argues with me over whose life is more pathetic (sorry, man--it's MINE).
thrennion profile - diary
comments: Wisconsin agrees with you.
vamosajugar profile - diary
comments: Choose lust.
nimiiwin profile - diary
comments: Fake red leather gets you into a lot of parties these days. Especially one of mine.
viclyncat profile - diary
comments: Kitten kisses.
rumblelizard profile - diary
comments: On the strength of adding me as a favorite. Good, good stuff.
tobeyoung profile - diary
comments: A little reaching out goes a long way.
ravynemyst profile - diary
comments: Moderately speaking...she makes me smile.
rar profile - diary
comments: Rar, indeed. Fucking rar.
sunpuddles profile - diary
comments: Katie. I've forced her to listen to a lot of music. Fortunately, she likes some of it.
ambitionary profile - diary
comments: So poetic. So very poetic.
redivivus profile - diary
comments: I'll scratch my head and laugh, but that won't do this justice.
spunkbread profile - diary
comments: If you can stop laughing...
palestine profile - diary
comments: Inactive
xgreystarx profile - diary
comments: Inactive (but more commonly found on livejournal)
partinggift profile - diary
comments: Inactive
skypriestess profile - diary
comments: Apparently, I'm covered in cyber-drool.
frooshy profile - diary
comments: Not to be confused with...
bluering profile - diary
comments: I am entertained.
startlooking profile - diary
comments: I knew her once, long, long ago.
laurenrocks profile - diary
comments: Because she does, you know.
c1ockwork profile - diary
comments: It's a sin.
divamel profile - diary
comments: I'm just a lazy bastard. Glib, funny, affable, cute.
penchant profile - diary
comments: So orange, so red.
broken-glass profile - diary
comments: Inactive

My favorite music:

Don Caballero
comments: Are rock not jazz.
comments: The hip-hop hammer of God. The future of rap.
comments: Moody, emotional jazz-inflected prog-pop-rock.
comments: Delicate, textured instrumental post-rock.
comments: Concussive, lush post-grunge.

My favorite movies:

Donnie Darko
comments: 80's period piece/psycho-drama/sci-fi adventure.
Babe: Pig In The City
comments: fucked-up dark kids film.
comments: Got any cold ones in there?
Zero Effect
comments: Anyone wonder where I got my name?
The Virgin Suicides
comments: I love adaptations.

My favorite authors:

Alan Moore
comments: The greatest comic book writer in history. "Watchmen." Read it.
Michael Moore
comments: Political commentator, vicious corporate wathdog. Not related to Alan.
William Thackeray
comments: Vanity Fair.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
comments: There will always be a Buendia in Macondo.
Jhumpa Lahiri
comments: Her new book comes out in September!

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last updated: 2003-09-25 15:31:42
this user's total entries: 674
user since: 2001-04-08

AOL IM name: darrylzer0
ICQ number: 261764613
Yahoo Messenger name: [email protected]
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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