DIVAnn: Diary of MYSELF!

I love all of you my special people! Come to Madamme DIVAnn! She will comfort you in the shelter of all of your hopes and dreams--all of your desires. I am a petite martian with pink skin and yellow hair.

My favorite diaries:

My favorite music:

Letters To Cleo
comments: They are no longer together, but they were a great band--my favorite!
Kay Hanley
comments: She was the vocalist for Letters To Cleo and has her own thing going now. VERY HOT! GREAT VOICE!
comments: Coming Soon!
comments: Lead singer considers herself a poet! Awesome subject matter in her lyrics/poems! A lot of rage of emotion. HOT!
comments: They ROCK!! Check your locals newspapers every issue to see if they are playing at a club near you!

My favorite movies:

comments: It's weird. Japanese film.
El Norte
comments: It's VERY good!
Pride and Prejudice
comments: The movie version of the novel by Jane Austen.
Citizen Kane
comments: What can happen to someone who never discovers what love is.
comments: It's hilarious!

My favorite authors:

Jane Austen
comments: She's hilarious!
James Joyce
comments: He rocks! Check out his novel "Ulysses"!
Michel Foucault
comments: Very Interesting indeed!
William Faulkner
comments: I LOVE the style in which he wrote "The Sound and the Fury" I love piecing situations together when I read.
Susanna Rowson
comments: Very good with emotion and giving her characters personalities. Terrific Omniscient narrator. Henry James is another good one.

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last updated: 2004-02-20 01:55:40
this user's total entries: 8
user since: 2003-03-17

AOL IM name: theDIVAnn
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Yahoo Messenger name: thedivann
MSN Messenger name: DIVAnn

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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