The Soap Box

This is where I say whatever I want, and you most likely can't do anything about it, Bub.

I'm a: computer geek, poet, amateur photographer, dreamer, cynic. I love, and I'm stubborn, and I need a programming job. Hire me.

My favorite diaries:

captionthis profile - diary
comments: Funny pictures, and you get to pick the captions.
thunderdave profile - diary
comments: aspiring something, he's not sure yet
thediastema profile - diary
comments: is already a comic brain, just hasn't been discovered
dialectical profile - diary
comments: Wacky conversations between Di and myself
onea profile - diary
comments: just one of the guys, right?
qween profile - diary
comments: has got more skill than she gives herself credit
sporkqueen profile - diary
comments: fellow geek, sweet!
coffeebitch profile - diary
comments: laments cooler than anyone I know
suzannah profile - diary
comments: mother of two children, wife of a third
klikitak profile - diary
comments: is way too cool for me
ravenword profile - diary
comments: writes and I read, and I can't put my finger on why
alienpossum profile - diary
comments: smart guy. Hoping he doesn't stop writing.
nina3eb profile - diary
comments: Your posts are long, but I read anyway.
singingcynic profile - diary
comments: Make up your mind! Come back and write!

My favorite music:

comments: Reach into your glove box heart. What is there for me inside? This flub is tired. I've changed the locks, and you can't have one.
Counting Crows
comments: All I know... I wanna know, but all I really wanna know is I don't wanna know.
Mike Doughty
comments: Obsess yourself with causality. The information you hear is a loophole, technicality. Behind every object is a mathematic; an obscure substance infused with a kinetic force, energy, an obscure conscience shoots a gun at the feet the world dances.
Barenaked Ladies
comments: I'm just lying here, just staring at the ceiling tiles, and I'm thinking about ... oh, what to think about.
comments: But we don't bother anyone. We just keep to ourselves. The mailman visits each of us in turn. Gotta live, gotta live, gotta live in Shit Town.

My favorite movies:

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
comments: "The dog?!? You are named after the dog?!?"
City of Angels
comments: "What am I doing?" "Touching me." "How do you know?" "I feel it." "You should trust that more often."
comments: "Begin the metamorphasis! Ready, Kafka!"
Blues Brothers
comments: "It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."
Army Of Darkness
comments: "Ah, that's just what we call 'pillow talk', baby!"

My favorite authors:

leave a note for duckfoil
diaryrings which duckfoil belongs to
diaries which list duckfoil as a favorite diary
last updated: 2004-04-13 23:28:54
this user's total entries: 331
user since: 2000-12-12

AOL IM name: Duckfoil
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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