An existence based solely on a love of vodka and olive juice...

My cosmetology career is becoming more secure, my love life is fabulous, and I still seriously need to rethink my wardrobe choices.

My favorite diaries:

My favorite music:

The Beatles
comments: Whose favorite band isn't our four friends from across the sea?
Flogging Molly
comments: I'm keepin' it real...listening to music from my roots, ya'll.
Elvis Presley
comments: Okay, he's not a band, but he's the King. And he loves me tender, honey. Loves me tender.
Jim Croce
comments: Also not a band, but the song "Roller Derby Queen" is the best song ever written.
Barenaked Ladies
comments: I mostly just like the name...hee hee...naked ladies...

My favorite movies:

Waiting for Guffman
comments: From the minds who brought us "This is Spinal Tap" and "Best in Show." If you've ever been involved in community theater, this film is a must.
Pirates of Penzance
comments: Starring Kevin Kline, Linda Ronstadt, and Angela Landsbury. I've watched this movie about 65,000 times, and I never get tired of it.
Office Space
comments: I...I believe you have my stapler? stapler?
comments: "That's why he was the King and you are a schmuck."
Fight Club
comments: Use soap. Use lots of soap.

My favorite authors:

Stephen King
comments: But "Gerald's Game" has ruined bondage for me.
Thomas Pynchon
comments: Read "Gravity's Rainbow" will change both your life and your views on adjectives.
Michael Malone
comments: "Handling Sin" is the best book ever written.
Fannie Flagg
comments: "Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man" it read it read it!!
Jill Conner Browne
comments: Long live the SWEET POTATO QUEENS!! And The Promise...

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last updated: 2006-04-03 20:49:45
this user's total entries: 97
user since: 2004-05-26

AOL IM name: Fifi919
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