
My favorite diaries:

raisinet profile - diary
comments: SIT ON MY POLE, WOMAN!!_&#^!_
dura-luxe profile - diary
breadisdead profile - diary
ninapetrovna profile - diary
luminescent profile - diary
facepunch profile - diary
mcearstix profile - diary
pnknlvr profile - diary
lindapine profile - diary
testify profile - diary
mend profile - diary
comments: Why we have such awesome layout? Why no one want?

My favorite music:

comments: They changed my life. "My teeth touched her skin, and she was gone again"
My Bloody Valentine
comments: They also changed my life. Currently in mortal combat with Slowdive for dreamiest guitars.
Sonic Youth
comments: They invented it.
Ted Leo/Pharmacists
comments: Probably the only dude in indie rock who can actually sing well.
comments: My band. Our music will bring peace to the middle east, and also unite all americans. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

My favorite movies:

Lord of the Rings
comments: Made me not like Star Wars anymore.
Raising Arizona
comments: I am going to get that tattoo.
The Big Lebowski
comments: "The Dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there, the Dude, takin' her easy for all us sinners."
comments: "You got a couple of stinkin' dogs!"
Babe: Pig in the City
comments: That scene where they're getting raided and the orangutan is just standing there with his fish bowl? Breaks my heart every time.

My favorite authors:

Chris Onstad
comments: Every funny thing I say is actually from Achewood.
Richard Russo
comments: Character development out to here.
Jane Smiley
comments: Made me give a shit about horses and Kansas in the 1850s.
William Gibson
comments: I love what he does with words. Also has some of the best "tough guy" dialogue I've ever read.
Kurt Vonnegut
comments: When I get really bitter and cynical (every few years) I read Breakfast of Champions. It doesn't fix anything, but still.

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diaries which list etc as a favorite diary
last updated: 2005-06-15 12:35:07
this user's total entries: 7
user since: 1999-09-24

ICQ number: SO IS THIS
Yahoo Messenger name: WOULD YOU CARE TO SEE MY BONER
MSN Messenger name: IT IS VERY NICE

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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