Gothchyld's Scrapbook


Gothchyld (aka GG) is an artistic person (amateur poet) and diehard Man Utd fan.

A part-time designer of this site. Also contribute to some of the entries and is usually filled with multiple interest conflicts -DD

My favorite diaries:

My favorite music:

Japanese/Korean pop-GG
comments: I love a variety, which includes BigBang, Taeyang, Epik High, Thelma Aoyama, Alan, Satomi Takasugi & m-flo
"Varieties of Musics" - DD
comments: I listen to a wide variety of song... I have a kinda unique taste... it all depends on my mood.

My favorite movies:

Foreign Movies - GG
comments: Taxi and its sequels, Yamasaki, Goodbye Lenin etc.
"Varieties of Movies Genre"- DD and GG
comments: ||I said it before... unique taste. Music and movies genre really depends of mood. Hey I did mention that I'm a open-minded person, didn't I?- DD|| .... ||Me too - GG||

My favorite authors:

comments: Think Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Philippa Gregory (The Cousin's War!)
Foreign literature - GG
comments: I am a HUGE fan of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Ishida Ira, Kotaro Isaka and Ba Jin.
"Varieties of books"-DD
comments: I admit it, I love reading books, diff genre, books... tho u may think me as a "Geek" but technically that word is for ppl who LOVES reading TEXTBOOKS and have a very HIGH IQ... but I'm just an average-joe

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last updated: 2024-01-13 12:19:43
this user's total entries: 587
user since: 2003-04-01

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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