
I'm that guy everyone wants to be. The smart, good-looking one.

My favorite diaries:

purplebanana profile - diary
comments: Because there's nothing better than having your opposite gender self be a real person.
eighthwonder profile - diary
comments: I'm not Jewish and I don't shop at Tiffany's, but she likes me anyways.
cheech-a-la profile - diary
comments: She doesn't update enough, but now we're phone friends, so I get the scoop regardless.
thisendup profile - diary
comments: She just lost a buddy, so I will take its place.
purplecigar profile - diary
comments: Had me laughing in six seconds.

My favorite music:

Sheryl Crow
comments: My favorite songwriter. Snappy dresser. Great hair (not so much in 99 though).
Antonin Dvorak
comments: Another snappy dresser. Wrote a symphony I love.
Britney Spears
comments: If pop stars were money, this girl would be a suitcase of hundred dollar bills.
Liz Phair
comments: I just wish she'd get a producer. And stop swearing.
John Williams
comments: If it weren't for him, movies wouldn't be as fun as they are. The Band of Brothers soundtrack takes my breath away.

My favorite movies:

comments: I rented the DVD and what a delight!
Dangerous Beauty
comments: Underrated, spirit-lifting, and utterly beautiful.
The Truman Show
comments: Crowd-pleasing allegory. This movie ends exactly the way it should and that so rarely happens.
comments: For P.T. Anderson's epic narrative ability, and for the unmatched skill of the cast. I do not like the broken-man-who-stays-that-way theme.
Moulin Rouge
comments: I thought I would die if I didn't go back the very next day.

My favorite authors:

Ayn Rand
comments: The single most important literary/philosophical influence of my life.
Edward Cline
comments: He's writing about the mind that created America.
Nathaniel Branden
comments: Revolutionary psychologist.

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last updated: 2005-03-30 10:16:05
this user's total entries: 89
user since: 2001-05-29

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Yahoo Messenger name: johndavidov
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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