Go placidly amid the noise and the haste

If only I could make a little cash doing that.

My favorite diaries:

julianarose profile - diary
comments: "I don't have any balls but if I had, I would know what it is to feel emasculated."
semirhage profile - diary
comments: "The world started to shake and a voice spoke to me from the sky, into my dream. 'It's time to get up.'"
genghis-jon profile - diary
sam profile - diary
comments: "Looking for a new hobby? Why not try menstrual painting?"
sherpahigh profile - diary
comments: "staring into the fire before TV, the remote-control's on Mars"
slapmeharder profile - diary
comments: �You make me wanna ride my bike on over, you make me wish I lived on my own. Tonight I�m so tired no one would have to torture me for answers.�
ladeeleroy profile - diary
comments: "Opportunity was fucking Artistic Inclination behind my back"
procrasto profile - diary
comments: I don't like that word.
lintpickle profile - diary
comments: "I never want to leave my bed again, as long as he's in it, except to fuck in the shower, on the floor, on the couch, in the kitchen, out in the yard, in the park across the street."
redhott27 profile - diary
comments: "alone in a room full of these holier-than-thou, bible thumping women that were all frowning on me and calling me a dirty whore. And no, I didn't have any pants on."
robin-smith profile - diary
minderella profile - diary

My favorite music:

Sarah Harmer
comments: Easy, and relaxed, yet passionate. She sounds like she knows what she is talking about. I believe her.

My favorite movies:

Fight Club
comments: "I am Jack's complete lack of surprise."
Ocean's 11
comments: For the 2-second clip of Brad Pitt: "Did someone call for a doctor?" God, that kills me.

My favorite authors:

Robert Jordan
comments: I often think about what I would say to any of his characters if they ended up in Montreal.
Nick Hornby
comments: High Fidelity. Yet another look at crappy life in Britain. Good read.
Michael Slade
comments: If I were any of his characters, I'd either end up dead or insane. I like the Canadian content here, too.
Tom Robbins

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last updated: 2004-03-28 17:44:22
this user's total entries: 353
user since: 2001-11-04

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Yahoo Messenger name: JonasParker
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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