Punkt Kontrapunkt

Josquin was a very good renaissance composer. I'm a musician too, but this is pretty much irrelevant to the diary, in which I talk about ummm... girls. And bizarre things that happen to me. And bizarre things that happen to girls I know. And things that happen to me at the bazaar. Whether girls are involved or not. [I'm not single anymore, but I like that bit of sophistry, so it's staying]

My favorite diaries:

liadlaith profile - diary
comments: I found her (and diaryland) searching on Google for "Nut Brown Maiden". It's a folk song- I swear!
ravenheart profile - diary
comments: You have to respect someone who can convince her parents that her driving instructor uses an in-car toilet
hausfrau profile - diary
comments: Excellent narrative
meeyapede profile - diary
comments: If I were a fundamentalist Christian I'd be fondly dreaming of when she is going to burn in hell
laura-jane profile - diary
comments: Pretty girl, nice boyfriend, photos of food, a banjo-ukulele— what more could one want?
lastyeargirl profile - diary
comments: Life in Scotland... Edinburgh actually... wish I was there
kizzykim profile - diary
comments: A musical theatre chick who lives in Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain
luvabeans profile - diary
comments: Is she the funniest chick on diaryland or what? Until she turns, like a Rogers & Hammerstein show, and becomes really dark. But still never takes herself too seriously.
ladybug-red profile - diary
comments: I'd love to slip her hubby $50 and say "Go and give that lovely lady of yours a good seeing to" ;)
gettingnaked profile - diary
comments: The one, only, and absolutely unsinkable
mcearstix profile - diary
comments: I didn't think anyone had six siblings in this day and age
pablo profile - diary
comments: Equal opportunity laws require that I have at least one favorite diarist who is male. Luckily, it's this guy.
mugwhump profile - diary
comments: She doesn't wear sensible shoes, but then again, she's not a lesbian
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: This gal is hilarious! As a Victorian, I share her bafflement with Rugby League
niceguymike profile - diary
comments: I live for the day when hissandtell has an erotic dream about me, but this god-man has already been there ;)
twinsie profile - diary
comments: Why stop at two Canadian Victorians? What will she do next now she's graduated?
banefulvenus profile - diary
comments: She's funny, and she liked my banner... what more could a boy want?
rufusmonk profile - diary
comments: There must be something about Canadians and me... if I ever get to Canada I'll be caffeine-addled by the end
loungequeen profile - diary
comments: Singapore + Montreal = about 17 cultures all up
movinonup profile - diary
comments: The Village People liked San Francisco. So, I suspect, will Molly. Providing she lives near a decent Starbucks of course ;-)
oddsfish profile - diary
comments: Not even the rooster? I have yet to meet a girl who knows Latin who doesn't have interesting things to say

My favorite music:

JS Bach
comments: One of the greatest minds ever
Renaissance music
comments: So sonorous, so complex, so simple
The Cat Empire
comments: Cool songs, hot band

My favorite movies:

Intolerable Cruelty
comments: The first Ghan to Darwin had 1.2km of train fetishists
Punch Drunk Love
comments: Reminds one of when someone loves you unreservedly, and seemingly for no good reason
American Pie 1, 2 & 3
comments: They make my lungs hurt
Top Hat
comments: They were making fantastic films 70 years ago
Cold Comfort Farm
comments: (and the book) In the old days you could pick some up from the country by flying your plane out there and landing in a field

My favorite authors:

Catherine Jinks
comments: I've liked all of her books so far
comments: Of auctores was he the flour
AS Byatt
comments: Unflinchingly intellectual
James Joyce
comments: Used language like Mahler used music
Leo Tolstoy
comments: Makes you want to go to Russia

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last updated: 2005-07-07 22:23:50
this user's total entries: 125
user since: 2004-02-02

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