Bullet in the Head

I'm doomed. Short leash... Fuse... Days are numbers... Choose your cliche. I'm not being overly dramatic. It's not that it's fate or anything. Just that I can't keep on like this. Sooner or later, I'm going to fuck up, and fates help me, then.

My favorite diaries:

redqueenmeg profile - diary
comments: To whom I owe everything. Check her out; she's right.
tween profile - diary
comments: Complicated. Confusing. Worth it, to be sure.
elipsis profile - diary
comments: Haven't read enough. Consider this a note to myself to read more--one which others can follow.
z0tl profile - diary
gods profile - diary
comments: Fascinating. I look forward to learning more.
bwcrules profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Dammit, listen to Pinkerton. Then judge them.
comments: How can you judge that which no-one can understand? Just too cool.
David Bowie
comments: Just too hip. May be too oft-cited, but it's true.
comments: All my great memories involve their music. I wish I was interesting enough to truly claim them as my soundtrack.
John Lennon
comments: Bitter, hopeful, honest, and brilliant.

My favorite movies:

Lawrence of Arabia
comments: Beautiful portrait of madness and men born differently.
comments: Hitting bottom. God bless this wonderful little nihilist anthem.
Hard Boiled
comments: On terms of sheer over-the-top, best action film ever.
comments: Art is morally neutral. It is the man who is good or evil.
comments: I wish I could claim to fully appreciate this film. As it is, I can't enjoy it too much.

My favorite authors:

Michael Crichton
comments: Many see him as a hack, but few understand our culture as he does.
Friedrich Nietzsche
comments: Not a Nazi.
H. G. Wells
comments: Let's hear it for socialism!
Franz Kafka
comments: In the Penal Colony. That alone is masterpiece. And his other works just push him over the edge into fully deserving all paid credit.
Douglas Adams
comments: Godfather of smart absurdist scifi. He shall haunt all who wish to write humor.

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last updated: 2005-07-28 13:48:16
this user's total entries: 268
user since: 2002-03-26

AOL IM name: DickClarkRIP
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