This Diary is Closed

I've closed this diary.

I did it because some people I know in real life have read it and used some of it against me. They have turned my life upside down.

I've moved my diary. It is still open and I am still writing. I'm just not writing in this one anymore.

My favorite diaries:

pischina profile - diary
comments: A diary written by a loving mother, who has many obstacles in life, but she manages to climb them.
mangoes profile - diary
comments: A great mom who loves Rock and Roll and writes about anything that comes to mind
unclebob profile - diary
comments: A legandary Diarylander, a dad and a great person
cuppajoe profile - diary
comments: His entries are wonderful to read. His layouts are amazing.
plumcrazey profile - diary
vampiric profile - diary
discothekid profile - diary
diarylog profile - diary
comments: A diary that has url's and bios for journals that were recomended by fellow Diarylanders.
abbyroadme profile - diary
comments: A great gal who loves Paul McCartney, so she can't be that bad
evil-edna profile - diary
comments: Love her sense of humor, great gal
david-artois profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: Ummm... No Comments Needed Here!
No Doubt
comments: Ok, got a problem with this?
Robbie Williams
comments: Hey, I think he's kinda sexy!
comments: Umm Yeah!
comments: Their early stuff, not their recent crap

My favorite movies:

Interview With the Vampire
comments: Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Antonio Banderas all in one movie.... mmmm!
Bram Stokers' Dracula
comments: Ok. so I like vampire movies
Legends of the Fall
comments: Brad Pitt!!!!!!
comments: Brad Pitt
13th Warrior
comments: This movie was amazing.... and it had Antonio Banderas in it as well.... bonus!!

My favorite authors:

Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
comments: Their Dragonlance Chronicles, the Legends Series and lastly Dragons of Chaos
Bernard Cornwell
comments: The Sharpe Series.... gotta love Richard Sharpe!!!
Johanna Lindsay
comments: Ok. So I like cheap trashy romance novels. But these ones are historical.... so they're kind of educational!
Anne Rice
comments: The Vampire Chonicles
Most Cook Books
comments: I have a fetish for cookbooks. I love to learn new recipes

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last updated: 2004-01-28 20:12:38
this user's total entries: 205
user since: 2000-05-16

AOL IM name: kathleenm1ca
ICQ number: 40872314
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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