brOKeN bOneS & deaTH tRiPS

"Sometimes I like you and sometimes I don't, I feel like I'm gonna and then won't. Sometimes I wanna live to see a hundred, other times I wanna lay down and die. Sometimes I'm weak and sometimes I'm strong, you know that I've loved all along. Sometimes I'm rich and sometimes I'm poor, nothing really matters when you're dead on the floor. Sometimes I'm hot and sometimes I'm cold, sometimes I feel like I'm getting old. Sometimes I'm fast and sometimes I'm slow, other times I don't even want to go. Sometimes I laugh and sometimes I cry, other times I sit and wonder why. Sometimes I'm up and sometimes I'm down, other times I wanna blow this town."

My favorite diaries:

vodkatonic profile - diary
dreamsdreams profile - diary
comments: a super neato guy in my Japanese class

My favorite music:

The Pogues
Social Distortion
The Ducky Boys
Murder City Devils

My favorite movies:

Cool Hand Luke
Resevoir Dogs
Back to the Future
Lilo & Stitch
Battle Royale

My favorite authors:

Henry Rollins
Jhonen Vasquez
Kurt Vonnegut
Clive Barker

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last updated: 2007-02-26 22:36:17
this user's total entries: 111
user since: 2002-06-23

AOL IM name: epidemicprod
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Yahoo Messenger name: the_electric_girl
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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