original elabee

If I met you in real life I probably wouldn't talk to you.

My favorite diaries:

amblus profile - diary
blofeld profile - diary
blueeyesblue profile - diary
brkfstfnys profile - diary
dissolving profile - diary
emiloo profile - diary
fatnomore profile - diary
freshhell profile - diary
glitterkick profile - diary
hairburner profile - diary
hungry-hippo profile - diary
jumblygiant profile - diary
just-add-l profile - diary
justvivo profile - diary
kittybukkake profile - diary
kristintracy profile - diary
lass profile - diary
limes-sugar profile - diary
luxolive profile - diary
madamepierce profile - diary
natalie-dee profile - diary
photorabbit profile - diary
rdhdprincess profile - diary
retailharlet profile - diary
smartypants profile - diary
thebeesknees profile - diary
thinwishes profile - diary
trancejen profile - diary
turophile profile - diary
vla profile - diary
weetabix profile - diary
wilyred profile - diary
zitronengel profile - diary

My favorite music:

Sleater Kinney
The Pixies
The Shins
Ultimate Fakebook
Me First and the Gimme Gimmes

My favorite movies:

The Princess Bride
Kill Bill
Pulp Fiction
Royal Tenenbaums

My favorite authors:

Jeffrey Steingarten
Anthony Bourdain
Elizabeth Wurtzel
Yann Martel
David Sedaris

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last updated: 2005-01-20 15:19:14
this user's total entries: 268
user since: 2002-02-14

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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