
(Un*par"al*leled) adj. Without parallel; unmatched; unequaled; unprecedented.

I am one with the universe.

I am no-thing and I am everything.

I am the stars and the moon

the seas and the storms

the breath of life

the alchemical change

the living and the dead.

I am!

I am the power and the joy.

I am the spirit that dances.

I am the magick and the priestess

the Witch and the sorceress

the angels and the elements



I am!

I am the past, the present, and the future.

I am the void

and I am the manifestation of my desire.

I am!

My favorite diaries:

Andwebreathe profile - diary
comments: Every entry amazing and powerful. I love metaphors and she's gifted with them.
Budaspetmonk profile - diary
Cartridge profile - diary
comments: A collaboration of thoughts and expressions. A rare find.
Daath profile - diary
comments: Delicious eye candy. His work is marvellous and beyond beautiful. If I stare too long I get lost.
Dazzlinglife profile - diary
comments: Experienced words, some I've never heard of. I'm addicted.
Drowntogethr profile - diary
comments: Angel and The Freaks very own love story.
Enchancea profile - diary
comments: A Garden and Photo Queen. We have quite a bit in common with our piercings, tats, Wicca and Neopets. She's a doll.
Jonathan profile - diary
comments: This man's as honest and real as you can get.
Pieces-ofyou profile - diary
comments: Additional inspiration.
Poetic-Kiss profile - diary
comments: Rainy's personal collection of beautiful words set in poetry.
Puppet-666 profile - diary
comments: Angel, a beautiful soul.
Rainbow888 profile - diary
comments: Beautiful Rainy prior to Soul-Letters.
SheBreathes profile - diary
Soul-Letters profile - diary
comments: My young muse and note buddy. Love you dearly. You are a treasure.
TypeLove profile - diary
comments: *member* Online love
Unsentletter profile - diary
comments: Where I scream anonymously
Volted profile - diary
comments: So many rich meanings in just a few lines.

My favorite music:

Crowded House
Simon Wilcox

My favorite movies:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
comments: The Exorcist, The Blair Witch Project, The Crow, Dreamcatcher
Finding Nemo
comments: The Lion King, Pirates of the Carribean
The Neverending Story
comments: Labyrinth, Legend, Lord of the Rings
Sweet Home Alabama
comments: The Breakfast Club, Sling Blade, Wale Rider, The Man in the Moon
Immortal Beloved
comments: The Pianist, Dirty Dancing,

My favorite authors:

Silver RavenWolf
Scott Cunningham
Edgar Alan Poe

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last updated: 2005-01-17 15:40:50
this user's total entries: 177
user since: 2003-08-30

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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