Film Star Pretty

I have a swan hairpin

and you have a penguin t-shirt

so why can't we make this work?

My name is Megan and I never know where to sit when the music stops.

Mijn Favoriet voedsel is u.

" Love is a fashion these days and in this fashionable city we know how to make light of love and how to keep our hearts at bay. I thought of myself as a civilised woman and I found I was a savage. When I thought of losing her I wanted to drown both of us in some lonely place rather than feel myself a beast that has no friend."


In P>

My favorite diaries:

alkalinetrio profile - diary
comments: My friend Bobby who says the greatest things
darlingalex profile - diary
comments: Alex and her loves of late
seethingblue profile - diary
comments: goodness
yellowbindi profile - diary
comments: consise goodness
Iwantoomuch profile - diary
comments: Amy Goodness
miss-marni profile - diary
comments: I adore her I adore her I adore her I adore her I adore her I adore her I adore.
submarine profile - diary
comments: a little lady with a whole lotta love
gavin-joel profile - diary
comments: more than words and thoughts and history
kimyadawson profile - diary
comments: Kimya fucking Dawson from the Moldy fucking Peaches
the-fairy profile - diary
comments: ooooh ahhh ............ oh and the words are pretty too. ;)
psychodyke profile - diary
comments: one day someones keeper.. oooh la la
dilutedflesh profile - diary
comments: sex sex poet poet
lucyfur-pink profile - diary
comments: crazy bundles of pink, pearls and pretty

My favorite music:

Sekiden/ weezer/The Salteens
comments: - Pop songs can heal all wounds
Lucksmiths/Kitty in the Tree/The Strokes
Dashboard Confessional/Alkaline Trio/ The Weakerthans/Blondie/Magnetic Fields/Elastica
Belle and Sebastian/ The gentle Waves/ DollarBar/Milky Wimpshake/No Doubt
comments: "I've been right through and underneath and you make me better. BETTER!"- No Doubt
Le Tigre/Billie Holiday/ The Donnas/The Cure/ Apples in Stereo/ The get up kids/kylie/Mirah/Microphones
comments: "hearts beating faster and work is a disaster" -kylie

My favorite movies:

Amelie/Breakfast at Tiffanys/Requeim For a Dream/
comments: Amelie.... *sigh* Audrey Tautou *sigh* beautiful
Shallow Grave/Trainspotting
Clueless/ Breakfast Club
Duras anything
comments: AHHHHHHH
Some Like it Hot
comments: "I don't care about money, I just want to be wonderful" - Marilyn Monroe

My favorite authors:

Gilbert and George
comments: By them the universe becomes so infinatly complex and beautiful everyday is worth waiting for
Anais Nin / Eugene Ionesco / Hal Porter
comments: BEAUTIFUL over and over and over
Irvine Welsh/ Henry Miller
comments: and henry said "I want to leave a scar on the world"
lee Tulloch
comments: Fabulous Nobodies is the greatest
Violette Leduc / Margeurite Duras
comments: I amongst her gorgeous spellbinding writing.... there are more parcels of goodness, phrases that make my heart skip a beat

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last updated: 2017-08-27 13:21:52
this user's total entries: 293
user since: 2000-08-12

AOL IM name: Film Star Pretty
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Yahoo Messenger name: Film Star Pretty
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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