The Ruby Vintage

Sometimes I fantasize that I'm in a Johnny Weissmuller movie, and that I can swing around on branches with my hair messed up and be alluring.

My favorite diaries:

smartypants profile - diary
comments: "No brains for you!"
puppetgirl profile - diary
x-play-x profile - diary
unsentletter profile - diary
ipretentious profile - diary
comments: "I will think 'goodnight belly. tomorrow I shall feed you sandwiches. lots of love.'"
pauls-lab profile - diary
comments: There are so many times now during the day when I wish I had recyclebot.

My favorite music:

Tilly and the Wall
comments: The only way to improve upon a train ride through Catalunya
Al Green

My favorite movies:

Tarzan and His Mate
comments: They just don't make costumes like they used to.
comments: "I ain't no freakin' monument to justice! I LOST MY HAND!"
The Smiling Lieutenant
comments: A very silly Maurice Chevalier/Claudette Colbert picture with an incredible musical number called "Jazz up your lingerie."
Grandma's Boy
comments: Watch the scene with Harold Lloyd and the kittens.
Flesh-Eating Mothers
comments: Just pay attention to the soundtrack and it ALL makes sense.

My favorite authors:

Virginia Woolf
comments: Orlando
R.D. Blackmore
comments: Lorna Doone
E.M. Forster
comments: A Room With A View
Chr�tien de Troyes
comments: Lancelot
Thomas Hardy
comments: Tess of the D'Urbervilles

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last updated: 2008-05-09 23:02:17
this user's total entries: 235
user since: 2001-01-08

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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