Candles at Midnight - Salem Drake's Diary

I am a 53 year old, eclectic Wiccan, living in Virginia, with two cats, Koba and Puck. I've been practicing witchcraft for nearly 24 years now. I live a quiet existence. I did the heavy party scene when I was younger, and now I am settling down and finding quieter pursuits. This however, does not mean I am fading away...just diversifying. :-)

My favorite diaries:

ladyaudrey profile - diary
comments: Here is a lady who likes my diary! Can't resist adding her to my list of favorites. :-)
hissandtell profile - diary
comments: One honest witch and one cool lady. This is a really fun diary! Recommended!
enchancea profile - diary
comments: Enchancea's diary is not to be missed. Highly entertaining!
stargazer41 profile - diary
comments: An eclectic witch! Just like me. :-) Check this diary out!
datura93 profile - diary
comments: Enter the realm of the witch and prepare to be enchanted! Recommended!
fiongalla profile - diary
comments: The diary of a well-educated, passionate Pagan! Not to be missed!
thehour profile - diary
comments: Check it out. A diary by a Witch that actually touches on Witchy-things! Enjoy!
jackthripper profile - diary
comments: A gorgeous diary...brilliant writing. Not for the faint of heart; not for the timid. But be brave and you will be rewarded.
ladyro profile - diary
comments: Just had to add her. I love this diary!
raveneys- profile - diary
comments: Another gorgeous diary...brutal honesty, brutal sadness, worth reading!

My favorite music:

The Smiths
comments: This group will live forever.
The Cure
comments: OK, I know, 80's music, but cool nonetheless.
Gary Numan
comments: The Numan Machine Lives!
comments: I really love her music, so relaxing.
Scissor Sisters
comments: I am really crazy about this group! Great music! Totally fun!

My favorite movies:

Star Wars
comments: Friendship, Loyalty, Love, and Space Fights!
Practical Magic
comments: What a great movie. I want that house!
Land of the Dead
comments: Romero Rocks!
The Haunting
comments: The original version. Possibly the scariest film of all time...look ma a scary film with no special effects!
The Nightmare Before Christmas
comments: This is such a great film...I love the score.

My favorite authors:

Anne Rice
comments: Vampires, Witches, New Orleans...'nuff said.
Scott Cunningham
comments: Started me down the Wiccan Path.
Silver RavenWolf
comments: I really like her to read, with lots of interesting information.
J.K. Rowling
comments: Some of the best books to come along in ages.
Christopher Penczak
comments: Reading his books, I felt like I did when I first discovered Cunningham. Amazing author.

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last updated: 2014-09-16 02:27:13
this user's total entries: 417
user since: 2003-07-02

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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