pink ribbon scars that never forget...

I am a girl.

I am smart.

I live for alternative music.

I am half-japanese.

I like boys with blue hair.

I am the coolest person you will ever know.

My favorite diaries:

lisse profile - diary
sweetscully profile - diary
powerpuffmoi profile - diary
kissacod profile - diary
annatto profile - diary
hoebag9 profile - diary
pixiekins profile - diary
ravenglitter profile - diary
sourcandies profile - diary
pandalicious profile - diary
airguitar profile - diary
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copygirl profile - diary
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bunnyrabbit profile - diary
uforiatears profile - diary
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noalarms profile - diary
oddgoogle profile - diary
ghettofied profile - diary
bugginyou profile - diary
anikala profile - diary
nxd-dude profile - diary
glassdream profile - diary
frozenleaves profile - diary
thatsit profile - diary
bluehaired profile - diary
jendra profile - diary
rivers profile - diary

My favorite music:

comments: goddamn you half-japanese girls. =w= forever! matt sharp and rivers cuomo are my gods.
comments: anyone can play guitar. mmm. fake plastic trees makes me want to cry. oh thom.
smashing pumpkins
comments: pink ribbon scars that never forget. where do you think i got the name of this diary? of COURSE i adore the pumpkins.
matthew good band
comments: shoot me with your raygun. i love mgb.
the get up kids
comments: oh amy, don't hate me. squishy emo goodness.

My favorite movies:

almost famous
comments: i am not a groupie. i am a band-aid!
reality bites
comments: early 90s movies. yummy.
high fidelity
comments: yessss. movies about music are cool.
tonari no totoro
comments: anime rules even more. miyazaki!
comments: i love kevin smith.

My favorite authors:

kurt vonnegut
comments: goodbye blue monday!
aldous huxley
comments: my introduction into dystopian socities.
comments: god is dead?

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last updated: 2006-08-02 02:48:19
this user's total entries: 70
user since: 2000-09-26

AOL IM name: pinkfuzzymelissa
ICQ number: fake plastic girl
Yahoo Messenger name: fakeplasticmelissa
MSN Messenger name: [email protected]

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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