...the place that you turn to when inspiration is dead...

eighteen and totally lost...

i don't understand anything and i wish i knew everything... i know nothing nothing nothing at all.

hi. my name is unimportant. i live in a small new england town where the summers are insanely hot and the winters are way too fucking cold. i have a best friend. i have a car. i have abandonment issues. i work in retail (gun to head...). i like all kinds of things, but i am not a fan of people, most of the time. i am a fan of KFC and ice cream sandwiches. i have this one bonfire sweatshirt that i wear everywhere. ummmm, i hate things that are temporary. i'm scared of everything... especially being abandoned. people suck ball hair. i am (still) a senior in a high school that is bigger than most colleges. the people there suck really bad. my best friend dropped out, so she doesn't suck, but everyone else does. especially me. i hate myself... please don't leave me.

My favorite diaries:

girls-suck profile - diary
comments: Girls suck when they have to get all "restraining order" on your ass. I was just checking her trash to make sure there weren't any bombs in there, you know?
atnight-lake profile - diary
comments: People say I analyze things too much, which I am finally beginning to notice about myself. You know how I figured that out? Analyzing, my dear friends.
mistakeface profile - diary
comments: to hope is to set yourself up. to live is to make yourself up. i dont even exist. i am a product of my own imagination.
iamtheone9 profile - diary
comments: On the drive home joke about the kid you used to see and his jealousy... breaking hearts has never looked so cool... and when you wrap your car around a tree, your makeup looks great next to his teeth.
iknowbyheart profile - diary
comments: You know you can pop out your eyeballs with a spoon? Or if you sneeze with your eyes open your eyeballs can fly out of your head? That would be amazingly crazy. I'd pay good money to see that.
siva0 profile - diary
comments: I think artists discover their art as a way to cope with some issue: insanity, pain, disease, abuse, boredom� And if you get published your honesty is a gift to people who can�t face that same issue in their own lives.
s00c-e3 profile - diary
comments: he digs through me like a careless child through a toy chest. i am nothing to him and his siamese cat at home, to them and their helpless abandon for the future. the future, what a lost cause. there is no future.
mcearstix profile - diary
comments: 'So... you go to high school?' No. I am an adult who owns a handgun.
emperorincxt profile - diary
comments: Everyone's a junkie. Everyone's a hypocrite. The sooner you know this the sooner you can relate to everyone everywhere, no matter how much you cant stand them because they remind you of yourself.
girl-razor profile - diary
comments: Paint a smile and look for the rainbows because it's never going to stop raining, is it?
notme2000 profile - diary
comments: Faith is the glorification of human ignorance.
jonquill profile - diary
comments: Feeling shitty, underappreciated, or unloved while in the company of up to thirty people more than capable of loving, appreciating or...un...unshitting me, makes it all that much worse.

My favorite music:

comments: cursive, bright eyes, saves the day, finch, the RX bandits, the red hot chili peppers
comments: boys night out, armor for sleep, moneen, reggie and the full effect, boxcar racer, blink 182
coheed and cambria
comments: mae, fairweather, taking back sunday, jamison parker, less than jake, nine inch nails
at the drive-in
comments: sparta, the mars volta, since by man, new found glory, sublime, the used, brazil
brand new
comments: afi, elliott, straylight run, the spill canvas, deftones, bob marley & the wailers, a neptune's tear

My favorite movies:

a beautiful mind
pulp fiction
the lord of the rings
american beauty

My favorite authors:

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last updated: 2004-07-18 10:57:51
this user's total entries: 154
user since: 2003-12-15

AOL IM name: relena27
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Yahoo Messenger name: headthroughawall27
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