Lauren's Ring of Fire

I am the best-kept secret on Diaryland. Welcome to my little world. Hope you have a good laugh.

My favorite diaries:

bevin profile - diary
comments: Bevin is my funniest friend from college. She can write like no other and her adventures with Jack Knife Sally make my day. Please make yourself her fan.
uberfrau profile - diary
comments: Turns out, I used to scare Dianna! But I'm so harmless...except to the idiots of the world...they better watch out. But Dianna is definitely not an idiot and you should all go check out her trials and tribulations. :)
sooner profile - diary
comments: Hilarious tales of gay law student-dom. I have to be careful not to crack up at work he's so funny. Especially when fighting rabid squirrels...
critterwil profile - diary
comments: Christa is one of my bestest friends ever and if it weren't for her IM-ing me all day at work, I would surely die of Excel boredom. Go read her adventures in Bluegrassland.
adancingfool profile - diary
comments: Bob is the husband of one of my oldest friends. How he has time to be a law student, a full-time employee AND write crazy letters to Corporate America, I am not sure.
thbestfriend profile - diary
comments: Spunky's life is like a soap opera that takes place in Minnesota and the star is a middle-school teacher. Kelly Ripa, watch out!
bookharlot profile - diary
comments: I have been a fan for a long while, but only recently added her to my list. My apologies.
ra71799 profile - diary
comments: I met Ashley through Friends of Allie. We share a deep love for a darling angel and similar views on politics. Who can ask for more, really?

My favorite music:

Faith Hill
comments: Love her. Want to be her.
Fleetwood Mac
comments: The Dance is the best album ever. Especially to run to.
Alicia Keys
Dixie Chicks
Patsy Cline
comments: Elizabeth likes Patsy too. Which is a plus.

My favorite movies:

My Best Friend's Wedding
comments: I loved this movie so much that when I lost my copy (actually, it was stolen) I had to buy another one before I could sleep a full night again. It has amazing colors. I like pretty to look at movies. Plus, you can't beat the rehearsal dinner scene.
Gone With the Wind
comments: Please. No explanation necessary.
The Sound of Music
comments: Are you kidding me? " little goat in the pale pink coat...." ha! LOVE this musical.
Steel Magnolias
comments: I guess it's my southern roots, but whatever. It's about women friends. Good good flick.
When Harry Met Sally
comments: I have seen this movie so many times, it is a miracle I graduated from college. Jeni and I watched it SOOO much together. "...I went to her willage. Watch her washing the clothes...she look good to me!"

My favorite authors:

Helen Fielding
comments: I LOVE Bridget Jones. I just really, really do.
Alice Sebold
comments: The Lovely Bones was quite possibly, one of the most moving books I have ever read.
Margaret Mitchell
comments: Gone With the Wind is just, well, so great. It's also one of my favorite movies. I have the calendar at work. I am a fan.

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last updated: 2005-11-16 18:35:23
this user's total entries: 169
user since: 2001-11-03

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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