sally's world o' drama

Just read me. You'll find out everything you need to know. Well, almost everything.

My favorite diaries:

addicted2ski profile - diary
comments: he rocks cause he uses John Mayer lyrics and knows his rare songs as well...there are other reasons but this space is only so big :)
aradia13 profile - diary
blurrred profile - diary
comments: a tattoo twin :)
cicero profile - diary
comments: whee
fiimma profile - diary
comments: That Bitch ellen. I love her :)
foamreveries profile - diary
comments: because she's right about so many things
h2opologirl profile - diary
naneyn profile - diary
norg profile - diary
comments: because he thinks I'm different than I am
oggydoggy profile - diary
comments: supportive and wonderful :)
prariechild profile - diary
comments: liiiiisa :)
mattl414 profile - diary
comments: recently discovered
racer96 profile - diary
comments: like a pavillion...only softer...I wish I could remember what I'm referring to :)
sillyshelly profile - diary
sjofn profile - diary
squee-chan profile - diary
comments: Squee!
unclebob profile - diary
wyrd profile - diary
fairlywell profile - diary
comments: the future!
flyin2thesun profile - diary

My favorite music:

John Mayer
Howie Day
Andy Stochansky

My favorite movies:

Some Kind of Wonderful
Being John Malkovich
The Breakfast Club
Pretty in Pink
The Godfather

My favorite authors:

F. Scott Fitzgerald
Steve Martin
Terry Pratchett
comments: Funny as Hell
Emyln Rees

leave a note for salience
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diaries which list salience as a favorite diary
last updated: 2004-12-31 20:18:40
this user's total entries: 687
user since: 2000-11-11

AOL IM name: svexxy17
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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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