
Misadventures from an Idiot Girls Action Adventure Club member. It's all true, every last humilitating word.

My favorite diaries:

juddhole profile - diary
porktornado profile - diary
thedailywtf profile - diary
kristintracy profile - diary
division-day profile - diary
clarity25 profile - diary
robotheart profile - diary
trancejen profile - diary
jumblygiant profile - diary
mozangeles profile - diary
coldandgray profile - diary
comments: Responsible for me almost DYING as a I inhaled a grammy bear laughing at a note left by them
less-than3 profile - diary
formerlymr profile - diary
amazinfuckup profile - diary

My favorite music:

Tom Waits
comments: Best Concert Ever.
Tori Amos
comments: Pull out the watchword.
comments: If you don't know who they are just buy the album Hippjok, then bow down and thank me.
Nina Simone
comments: I love you Porgy
Johnny Cash
comments: The Man in Black

My favorite movies:

Down By Law
comments: It's a strange and beautiful world.
The Big Lebowski
comments: I can get you a toe by this afternoon if you want, WITH nailpolish.
Office Space
comments: My work life. Just watch it.
comments: My first big crush on Bowie
comments: It almost convinced me some British men are sexy...almost.

My favorite authors:

Neil Stephenson
Louisa Luna
comments: Expect big things from Luna in the next few years.
Giles Milton
comments: History with a snap.
Jasper Ffjorde
comments: Tuesday Next
Laurie Notaro
comments: Idiot Girl Original

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last updated: 2006-01-08 23:44:26
this user's total entries: 181
user since: 2004-05-11

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update April 6, 2020: Sorry, we just had 8+ hours downtime due to a server problem. Restoring from backups took soooo long, but everything is back and no data was lost. Ay yay yay! Anyhow, hope everyone is well with the virus stuff.

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