the test of time

when you read this, just know its one mans thoughts, dont take it personal.

My favorite diaries:

death452 profile - diary
comments: ali hassan, i tell you, this man does some of the most RANDOM shit..he does the shit that people only joke about doing.
eternalbrew profile - diary
comments: kevin..we started out as enemies..he wrote "jeff smith is gay" in some concrete..but now were freinds. this is my best freind, the one that i can talk about anything with, do basically anyhting with..but the thing is, hes a guy.

My favorite music:

Marilyn Manson
comments: big bully try to stick his finger in my chest, try to tell me he's the best.. but i dont really give a good goddamn cuase, i got my lunchbox and im armed real well
comments: i want to take the bullet, the one aimed straight for your heart
killswitch engage
comments: im not afraid, to speak my mind, stay true to yourself, no matter the consequences
poison the well
comments: i can, never, swallow your false ideals, of a, lifeless, happy ending
comments: this bog is thick and easy to get lost in, when youre a stupid, belligerent fucker

My favorite movies:

Vanilla Sky
comments: Citizen dildo.
The Rules of Attraction
comments: I lied about Red Dragon...this is even more hardcore.
comments: Simply the best plot in a movie, EVER. Appreciate this movie for what it is.
Requiem for a Dream
comments: Very very good.
Virgin Suicides
comments: Kirsten is in this, shes my love.

My favorite authors:

Marilyn Manson
comments: HIs bio is great..I don't read much except for biographies.
stephen chbosky
comments: perks of being a wallflower, simply amazing.

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last updated: 2007-12-20 02:42:04
this user's total entries: 700
user since: 2001-09-15

AOL IM name: wastedstatistic
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